2017 - 18 Archive

Archive of events 2017 - 18

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh begin a new study of the Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy.

Information on the new Head of School and more

Information on the new Head of School and more

Advice on preparing for graduation

Congratulations to this year's winners

Congratulations to Dr Sean Brocklebank for this outstanding achievement.

March 2 saw the inaugural Scottish Economics Conference jointly organised by the student economics societies from Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Dundee, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St Andrews.

Now in its ninth year, the TARGETjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards continues to recognise and celebrate the best student talent in the UK. Congratulations to Zara Loughridge for her win.

As part of the Honours option course “Economics of Migration,” two groups of students visited the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) in London on 9 April.

Students from six of Scotland's leading universities organise first Scottish Economics conference.

Information regarding the strike

Information regarding the strike.

A message from Tim Worrall the Interim Head of School

The School of Economics hosted our annual undergraduate pub quiz at the Counting House on the 19th of January.

Christina Napier, Student Experience Officer, Report on MLES International Education Fair, Nov 17-28 2017

University of Edinburgh team reach semi-finals of the fifth national business negotiation competition

Oskar Birol, a 4th year Economics Undergraduate, has taken first prize in the inaugural Royal Economics Society video competition.

Footage of the mini-conference held on September 16 2017

Leonardo Felli has accepted the position of Head of School of Economics

On the 24th of October Teviot’s Debating Hall was host to this year’s Undergraduate Ceilidh, an annual tradition jointly organised by the School of Economics, and the University of Edinburgh Economics society.