A letter to upcoming graduates

Advice on preparing for graduation

Dear student,


Graduation day inside of the recently refurbished McEwan Hall

You are now getting close to the end of your studies, finishing off your dissertation and preparing for your final exams in the May diet. It has been a strange last semester with strikes and the weather but I hope that nonetheless you have enjoyed the final part of your course. It is not long now until you will be able to look back over the four years and reflect on what you have learnt and your experiences over your time with us in the School of Economics. All the staff in the School wish you well with your revision and your exams.

I want to take you even a little bit further and think about graduation after your exams. 

Your graduation ceremony will take place in McEwan Hall on Tuesday 10 July 2018 at 3pm.

There will be a class photo and reception after the ceremony with drinks and nibbles at the Playfair Library in Old College. You and all your guests, whether they attend the ceremony or not, will be very welcome. More details about the reception will follow nearer the time. Please do come if you can.

I also just want to make you aware now of two services that the University offers that will be open to you after you graduate.

First, you may be aware of the MyEd Alumni portal and the Alumni e-mail service for graduates. If not, then please have a look at the website below. Once you graduate, your student e-mail account will lapse after 120 days, but do remember to register for an alumni email that offers a free webmail account providing webmail-only access, email-forwarding, and an email quota of 100MB. It’ll be great to keep in touch with you through this service after you graduate.

Alumni services

Second, you should know that if needed, the University Careers Service remains open for you to utilise for up to two years after graduation. If necessary, appointments with careers service can be held via Skype and in the evening too. Check out the support available from their catalogue.

Careers services

Finally, I will remind you that the National Student Survey remains open until 30th April. Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey. If you haven’t completed it already, then follow this link:

National Student Survey

I remind you that if you do fill in the survey, just go along to the School UG Office (G1, 30 Buccleuch Place), tick your name off the list and pick up your very own School of Economics mug! As an extra incentive, were one needed, if we do achieve a higher response rate than we did last year, then everyone who graduates will be entered into a draw with a prize of graduation gown hire and photo paid for by the School.


With best wishes,


Tim Worrall

Interim Head of School

School of Economics

University of Edinburgh