Anne Scrope

MA Economics, 1979

I entered the civil service as a fast track graduate trainee - at 28, being too old to be taken on as an economic assistant. I could have transferred to the Government Economic Service later, but I preferred being "on top" to being "on tap".

I have spent my whole career in the Department of Trade and Industry, generally as what might best be described as "policy adviser" rather than "administrator". It has been intellectually stimulating.

For the last 18 years (since having children), I have worked part-time: enjoying the best of both worlds. For the last 6 years, I have been a member of the Company Law Bill Team. (The Bill is currently before Parliament which means that part-time hours are longer than most people's conditioned hours). My economics background is occasionally useful; the more general development of skill of analysis and presentation have been invaluable.