Working papers from the School of Economics academic staff. 2025(314) Gender Norms in a Simple Model of Matching with Imperfectly Transferable Utility Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)2024 2023(313) The Incidence of Workplace Pensions: Evidence from the UK's Automatic Enrollment Mandate. Rachel Scarfe (University of Edinburgh), Daniel Schaefer (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Tomasz Sulka (DICE, University of Düsseldorf).(312) Implicit contracts and asymmetric pass-through of productivity shocks. Stuart A. Breslin (University of Edinburgh), Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh), Heiko Stueber (University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS), Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Friedrich-Alexander-Universit¨at Erlangen-N¨urnberg (FAU), IZA), Jonathan P. Thomas (University of Edinburgh). (311) School Admissions, Mismatch and Graduation. Marco Pariguana (University of Edinburgh) and Maria Elenda Ortega-Hesles (Vía Educación). (310) Buying from the Fringe (too). Lluís Bru (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Daniel Cardona (Universitat de les Illes Balears) and József Sákovics (Universitat de les Illes Balears and The University of Edinburgh)2022(309) Optimism and Pessimism in Strategic Interactions under Ignorance. Gabriel Ziegler (University of Edinburgh), Pierfrancesco Guarino (University of Udine). (308) Labor Market Dynamics and Growth. Jake Bradley (University of Nottingham) and Axel Gottfries (University of Edinburgh)(307) Search and Reallocation in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK. Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh), Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex), Camilla Comunella (University of Essex), Alex Clymo (University of Essex), Annette Jäckle (University of Essex) and David Zentler-Munro (University of Essex).(306) Procurement Lobbying. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh and Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Robert Burguet (University of Venice). 2021(305) Partially observable corporate social responsibility: the limits of differentiation. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh and Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Aleix Calveras (Universitat de les Illes Balears)(304) Optimal Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance. Tim Worrall (University of Edinburgh), Francesco Lancia (University of Venice) and Alessia Russo (University of Padova) (303) Tempting Fates in Spain: Hours and Employment during the 'Great Recession' and Covid-19. Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh), Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (Barcelona GSE) and Christina Lafuente (Universidad Carlos III) (302) Unemployment and Endogenous Reallocation over the Business Cycle. Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh) and Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex) (301) Tenable threats when Nash Equilibrium is the norm. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh and Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Françoise Forges (Université Paris-Dauphine)2020(300) Optimal Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance. Tim Worrall (University of Edinburgh), Francesco Lancia (University of Salerno) and Alessia Russo (BI Norwegian Business School). (299) From Keynes' Liquidity Preference to Gesell's Basic Interest. Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(298) The Costs of Mismatch. Richard Holt (University of Edinburgh)(297) Integrated epi-econ assessment. Jonna Olsson (University of Edinburgh)(296) Revisiting the Hypothesis of High Discounts and High Unemployment. Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh)(295) "You're just my type!" Matching and Payoffs when Like Attracts Like. Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)2019(294) Flexibility or certainty? The aggregate effects of casual jobs on labour markets. Rachel Scarfe (University of Edinburgh)(293) Finance, property rights and productivity in Italian cooperatives. Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh), Eddi Fontanari (EURICSE) and Ermanno Celeste Tortia (University of Trento)(292) Bilateral trade imbalances. Alejandro Cuñat (University of Vienna and CESifo) and Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(291) Beating Coase at Monopoly. Lluís Bru (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Daniel Cardona (Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh) (290) Personalized Prices and Uncertainty in Monopsony. Roberto Burguet (University of Central Florida) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh) 2018(289) Wealth of the Nation: Scotland’s Productivity Challenge - Technical Appendix. Mark Mitchell (University of Edinburgh) and Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(288) Who works for whom and the UK gender pay gap? Carl Singleton (University of Edinburgh), Sarah Louise Jewell (University of Reading) and Giovanni Razzu (University of Reading)(287) Block Sourcing. Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh), Lluís Bru (Universitat de les Illes Balears), Daniel Cardona (Universitat de les Illes Balears)(286) The best of two worlds: assessing the use of administrative data for the study of unemployment using the labour force survey as a benchmark. Cristina Lafuente (University of Edinburgh. (285) Revisiting the Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Unemployment. Steven Dieterle (University of Edinburgh), Otávio Bartalotti (Iowa State University) and Quentin Brummet (Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications United States Census Bureau)(284) Bidding for talent in sport. Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh) and Roberto Burguet (University of Central Florida, IAE [CSIC] and Barcelona GSE)2017(283) Search capital and Unemployment Duration. Cristina Lafuente (University of Edinburgh) (282) Waves of Optimism: House Price History, Biased Expectations and Credit Cycles. Alessia De Stefani (University of Edinburgh)(281) International Value-Added Linkages in Development Accounting. Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh) and Alejandro Cuñat (University of Vienna)(280) It's Good to be Bad: A Model of Low Quality Dominance in a Full Information Consumer Search Market. Stuart Baumann (University of Edinburgh) and Margaryta Klymak (Trinity College Dublin)(279) Competitive foreclosure. Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis, CSIC, and Barcelona GSE) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(278) A Pasinetti model of savings and growth. Donald George (University of Edinburgh)(277) Recent changes in British wage inequality: Evidence from firms and occupations. Daniel Schäfer (University of Edinburgh) and Carl Singleton (University of Edinburgh)2016(276) Optimal Illusion of Control and Related Perception Biases. Olivier Gossner (CREST, CNRS – École Polytechnique, Université Paris Saclay & London School of Economics) and Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh & Cerge-Ei)(275) To the highest bidder: The market for talent in sports leagues. Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis, CSIC, and Barcelona GSE) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(274) A General and Intuitive Envelope Theorem. Andrew Clausen (University of Edinburgh) and Carlo Strub (University of St. Gallen)(273) Long-term unemployment and the Great Recession: Evidence from UK stocks and flows. Carl Singleton (University of Edinburgh)(272) Development Accounting with Intermediate Goods. Jan Grobovsek (University of Edinburgh)(271) Managerial Delegation, Law Enforcement, and Aggregate Productivity. Jan Grobovsek (University of Edinburgh)(270) Communal Land and Agricultural Productivity. Charles Gottlieb (University of Cambridge) and Jan Grobovsek (University of Edinburgh)(269) Friends Without Benefits? New EMU Members and the “Euro Effect” on Trade. Alina Mika (University College London) and Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(268) Revisiting the Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions on Unemployment: A Measurement Error-Corrected Regression Discontinuity Approach. Steven Dieterle (University of Edinburgh), Otavio Bartalotti (Iowa State University) and Quentin Brummet (U.S. Census Bureau)(267) Unemployment and econometric learning. Daniel Schäfer (University of Edinburgh) and Carl A. Singleton (University of Edinburgh)(266) Bidding for input in oligopoly. Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis, CSIC, and Barcelona GSE) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)2015(265) Gravity across Space and Time. Mariko Klasing (University of Groningen) Petros Milionis (University of Groningen) and Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(264) Specialisation Patterns, GDP Correlations and External Balances. Alejandro Cuñat (University of Vienna) and Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(263) Remember Me? A Field Study on Memory Biases in Academia. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh) and Marina Schröder (University of Cologne)(262) Providing Advice to Job Seekers at Low Cost: An Experimental Study on On-Line Advice. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh), Philipp Kircher (University of Edinburgh) and Paul Muller (University of Gothenburg)(261) Expert Information and Majority Decisions. Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh) and Vasileios Vlaseros (University of Edinburgh)(260) Putting it off for later - Procrastination and end of fiscal year spending spikes. Stuart Baumann (University of Edinburgh)(259) Debt, Inequality and House Prices: Explaining the Dynamics of Household Borrowing Prior to the Great Recession. Alessia De Stefani (University of Edinburgh)(258) The Extent and Cyclicality of Career Changes: Evidence for the UK. Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex), Bart Hobijn (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), Powen She (University of Essex), Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh, Universidad Carlos III and CESifo)(257) Competing with Asking Prices. Benjamin Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh and Universidad Carlos III, Madrid), Ronald Wolthoff (University of Toronto)(256) Information Design. Ina Taneva (University of Edinburgh)(255) An axiomatization of difference-form contest success functions. María Cubel (University of Barcelona) and Santiago Sanchez-Pages (University of Edinburgh)(254) Directed Search over the Life Cycle. Guido Menzio (University of Pennsylvania and NBER), Irina A. Telyukova (University of California at San Diego) and Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh and Universidad Carlos III Madrid)2014(253) Dynamic relational contracts under complete information. Jonathan P. Thomas (University of Edinburgh) and Tim Worrall (University of Edinburgh)(252) Educational spillover and parental migration. Joanne Clifton-Sprigg (University of Edinburgh)(251) Out of sight, out of mind? Educational outcomes of children with parents working abroad. Joanna Clifton-Sprigg (University of Edinburgh)(250) Unemployment Risk and Wage Differentials. Roberto Pinheiro (University of Colorado) and Ludo Visschers (University of Edinburgh, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and CESifo)(249) Money Cycles. Andrew Clausen (University of Edinburgh) and Carlo Strub (University of St. Gallen)(248) A General and Intuitive Envelope Theorem. Andrew Clausen (University of Edinburgh) and Carlo Strub (University of St. Gallen)(247) Tractable Valuations Under Uncertainty. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(246) The Extent and Cyclicality of Career Changes: Evidence for the UK (first version). Carlos Carillo-Tudela (University of Essex, CESifo and IZA ), Bart Hobijn (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), Powen She (University of Essex) and Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh, Universidad Carlos III and CESifo)(245) Perceiving Prospects Properly. Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI and University of Edinburgh) and Colin Stewart (University of Toronto)(244) Bertrand and the long run. Roberto Burguet (Institute for Economic Analysis, CSIC, and Barcelona GSE) and József Sákovics (The University of Edinburgh)(243) Competing with Asking Prices (first version). Benjamin Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh & Universidad Carlos III, Madrid), Ronald Wolthoff (University of Toronto)(242) Meeting Technologies and Optimal Trading Mechanisms in Competitive Search Markets. Benjamin Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia), Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh & Universidad Carlos III, Madrid), Ronald Wolthoff (University of Toronto)(241) Unemployment and Endogenous Reallocation over the Business Cycle. Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex, CESifo and IZA) and Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh & Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)2013(240) Tractable Consumer Choice. Daniel Friedman (University of California at Santa Cruz) and József Sákovics (The University of Edinburgh)(239) Irish Land Bonds: 1891-1938. Nathan Foley-Fisher (Research and Statistics Division, Federal Reserve Board, Washington D.C.) and Eoin McLaughlin (Classics & Archaeology, University of Edinburgh)(238) The Spillover Effects of Monitoring: A Field Experiment. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh) and Marina Schröder (University of Magdeburg)(237) How private is private information? Ability to spot deception in an economic game. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh) Jeroen van de Ven (Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics, University of Amsterdam, and Tinbergen Institute)(236) Partner Selection into Policy Relevant Field experiments. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh) and Jonathan James (University of Bath)(235) Efficient Competition through Cheap Talk: Competing Auctions and Competitive Search without Ex Ante Price.. Kyungmin Kim (University of Iowa) and Philipp Kircher (University of Edinburgh)(234) Who is the fairest of them all? The independent effect of attractive features and self-perceived attractiveness on cooperation among women. J. A. Munoz-Reyes (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile) M. Pita (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) M. Arjona (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), S. Sanchez-Pages (University of Edinburgh), E. Turiegano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)(233) Pecuniary Externality through Credit Constraints: Two Examples without Uncertainty. John Moore (The University of Edinburgh)(232) Self-Fulfilling Price Cycles. James Best (The University of Edinburgh) John Moore (The University of Edinburgh)(231) Contagious Illiquidity I: Contagion through Time. John Moore (The University of Edinburgh)(230) Suppliers of Priors: A Theory of Retailing Inspired by the Market for Chinese Antiquities. John Moore (The University of Edinburgh) Mingxiao Ye (Department of Health, Bermuda)(229) Intergenerational Mobility and the Informative Content of Surnames. Maia Güell (The University of Edinburgh, CEP (LSE), CEPR & IZA), José V. Rodríguez Mora (The University of Edinburgh and CEPR), Christopher I. Telmer (Carnegie Mellon University)(228) Unemployment Risk and Wage Differentials. Roberto Pinheiro (University of Colorado) and Ludo Visschers (The University of Edinburgh, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and CESifo)(227) Matching and Sorting in a Global Economy. Gene M. Grossman (Princeton University), Elhanan Helpman (Harvard University and CIFAR) Philipp Kircher (University of Edinburgh)(225) Moral Hazard with Counterfeit Signals. Andrew Clausen (University of Edinburgh)(224) Class-size Reduction Policies and the Quality of Entering Teachers. Steven Dieterle (University of Edinburgh)(223) Development Accounting with Intermediate Goods. Jan Grobovsek (University of Edinburgh)This version has now been withdrawn but has been revised as version number 272(222) Confidence and Competence in Communication. Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh)(221) Spillovers of Equal Treatment in Wage Offers. Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(220) Expert Information and Majority Decisions. Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh) and Vasileios Vlaseros (University of Edinburgh)Please note this version of the paper has now been removed and replaced by Discussion Paper 261(219) Changing Eating Habits – A Field Experiment in Primary Schools. Michèle Belot (University of Edinburgh), Jonathan James (University of Bath) and Patrick Nolen (University of Essex)(218) Two Studies on the Interplay between Social Preferences and Individual Biological Features. Running headline: Biological features and social preferences. S. Sanchez-Pages (University of Barcelona, University of Edinburgh) and E. Turiegano (Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)(217) Rational Expectations Dynamics: A Methodological Critique. Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh) and Les Oxley (University of Waikato, New Zealand)(216) A balance of questions: what can we ask of climate change economics? David Comerford (University of Edinburgh)(215) Partial Equal Treatment in Wage Offers. Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(214) A two-sector growth model with institutional saving and investment. Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh)2012(226) Factor Proportions and the Growth of World Trade. Robert Zymek (University of Edinburgh)(213) (Don't) Make My Vote Countt. Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh) and Marco Faravelli (University of Queensland)(212) Revealed cardinal preference. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(113) Liquidity, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy. Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)2011(211) Technical progress and product reliability under competition and monopoly. Donald A. R. George (University of Edinburgh)(210) Marriage as a Rat Race: Noisy Pre-Marital Investments with Assortative Matching. Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and V. Bhaskar (University College London)(209) The marginal utility of money: A modern Marshallian approach to consumer choice. Daniel Friedman (University of California at Santa Cruz) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(208) What would Hume make of our Current Theories and our Current Economic Predicament? And what should we make of his views on government debt? Peter Sinclair (University of Birmingham)(207) A labor market with targeted wage offers. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(206) When Do We Learn to Cooperate? The Role of Social Learning in Social Dilemmas.. James Best (University of Edinburgh)(205) Stability of Growth Models with Generalised Lag Structures. Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh)(204) Inequality and Risk-Taking Behaviour. Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(203) Reference distorted prices. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(201) The Economic Effects of Micronutrient Deficiency: Evidence from Salt Iodization in the United States. Dimitra Politi (University of Edinburgh); written jointly with David N. Weil (Brown University) and James Feyrer (Dartmouth College)2010(202) The effects of the generalized use of iodized salt on occupational patterns in Switzerland.. Dimitra Politi (University of Edinburgh)(200) The Impact of Iodine Deficiency Eradication on Schooling: Evidence from the Introduction of Iodized Salt in Switzerland. Dimitra Polity (University of Edinburgh)(199) Minu, Startu and all that:- Pitfalls in estimating the sensitivity of a worker’s wage to aggregate unemployment. Pedro Martins (Queen Mary and Westerfield College), Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh), Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh)(198) Optimism and commitment: An elementary theory of bargaining and war. Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(197) Competitive Altruism, Mentalizing and Signalling. Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(196) Exclusive Nightclubs and Lonely Hearts Columns: Non-monotone Participation in Optional Intermediation. József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh) and Gianni De Fraja (University of Leicester)(195) Immigration, Conflict and Redistribution. Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(194) The disadvantage of winning an election. Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)2009(193) Evolution of Consumption Volatility for the Liquidity Constrained Households over 1983 to 2004. Olga Gorbachev (University of Edinburgh) and Keshav Dogra (Columbia University)(192) Testosterone, Facial Symmetry and Cooperation in the Prisoners’ Dilemma. Santiago Sanchez-Pages (University of Edinburgh) and Enrique Turiegano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)(191) Bargaining and Conflict with Incomplete Information. Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(190) Who Matters in Coordination Problems? Jakub Steiner and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(189) Wage Returns to Experience and Tenure for Young Men in Italy. Giovanni Sulis (University of Cagliari and CRENoS)(188) Testing the TASP: An Experimental Investigation of Learning in Games with Unstable Equilibria. Timothy N. Cason (Purdue University), Daniel Friedman (UC Santa Cruz) and Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(187) On the Relationship between Market Power and Bank Risk Taking. Kaniska Dam (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas), Marc Escrihuela-Villar (Universitat de les Illes Balears) and Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)2008(186) The El Farol Bar Problem Revisited: Reinforcement Learning in a Potential Game . Duncan Whitehead (University of Edinburgh)(185) Which Inequality? The Inequality of Endowments Versus the Inequality of Rewards . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Edinburgh)(184) Communication Can Destroy Common Learning . Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh) and Colin Stewart (University of Toronto)(183) Reversibility in Dynamic Coordination Problems . Eugen Kovac (University of Bonn) and Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh)(182) Communication for Public Goods . Kohei Kawamura (University of Edinburgh)(181) Can a Lucas model with habit generate realistic conditional volatility in exchange rate returns? Jingyi Liu (University of Edinburgh)(180) Inequality, Happiness and Relative Concerns: What Actually is their Relationship? Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(179) Infrastructure and growth in developing countries: recent advances and research challenges . Stéphane Straub (University of Edinburgh)2007(178) Infrastructure and Development: A Critical Appraisal of the Macro-level Literature . Stéphane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(177) Reference price distortion . József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(176) Limited Commitment Models of the Labour Market . Jonathan P. Thomas (University of Edinburgh) and Tim Worrall (Keel University)(175) Efficient Dynamic Coordination with Individual Learning . Amil Dasgupta (LSE), Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh) and Colin Stewart (University of Toronto)(174) Inequality Measures as Tests of Fairness in an Economy . Ravi Kanbur (University of Cornell), Stuart Sayer (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)(173) Rank-Based Methods for the Analysis of Auctions . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(172) Job Reallocation, Unemployment and Hours in a New Keynesian Model . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(171) Matching and Sorting when Like Attracts Like . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)(169) Noise Matters in Heterogeneous Populations . Tom Quilter (University of Edinburgh)(168) Empirical Likelihood Estimation in Dynamic Panel Models . Angelica Gonzalez (University of Edinburgh)(167) Noisy Talk . Andreas Blume (University of Pittsburgh), Oliver Board (University of Pittsburgh) and Kohei Kawamura (University of Oxford)(166) Constrained Communication with Multiple Agents: Anonymity, Equal Treatment, and Public Good Provision . Kohei Kawamura (University of Oxford)(165) Inequality and Mobility . John Hassler (IIES and CEPR), José V. Rodríguez Mora (University of Southampton, UPF and CEPR) and Joseph Zeira (University of Jerusalem and CEPR)(164) The Apple Tree . Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(163) F Forecasting Cross-Section Stock Returns using The Present Value Model . George Bulkley (University of Exeter) and Richard W. P. Holt (University of Edinburgh)(161) Did Household Consumption Become More Volatile? Olga Gorbachev (Columbia University)(160) Money and inflation in a nonlinear model . Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh) and Les Oxley (University of Canterbury)(159) A Prize to Give for: An Experiment on Public Good Funding Mechanisms . Luca Corazzini (University of East Anglia, Norwich), Marco Faravelli (University of Edinburgh) and Luca Stanca (University of Milan Bicocca)(158) Endogenous Coalition Formation in Contests . Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(157) What Drives Corporate Bond Market Betas? Abhay Abhyankar (University of Edinburgh) and Angelica Gonzalez (University of Edinburgh)(156) The Important Thing Is not (Always) Winning but Taking Part: Funding Public Goods with Contests . Marco Faravelli (University of Edinburgh)(155) Enjoy the Silence: An Experiment on Truth-telling . Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh) and Marc Vorsat (University Maastricht)(154) Empirical Likelihood: Improved Inference within Dynamic Panel Data Models . Angelica Gonzalez (University of Edinburgh)(151) Contagion through Learning . Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh) and Colin Stewart (University of Toronto)(140) Does Subsidising the Cost of Capital Really Help the Poorest? An Analysis of Saving Opportunities in Group Lending . Kumar Aniket (University of Edinburgh)2006(170) Contracts as Reference Points . Oliver Hart (Harvard University) and John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(162) Coordination Cycles . Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh)(153) A Simple Test of Learning Theory . Jim Engle-Warnick (McGill University) and Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(152) Coordination of Mobile Labor . Jakub Steiner (University of Edinburgh)(150) Price Dispersion . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(149) Strong Enforcement by a Weak Authority . Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI)(148) Emergence of Institutions . Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh) and Stéphane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(147) Privatization and Changes in Corruption Patterns: The Roots of Public Discontent . David Martimort (University of Toulouse (IDEI) and Institut Universitaire de France) and Stéphane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(146) Whither Job Destruction? Unemployment, Job Flows and Hours in a New Keynesian Model . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(145) How Context Matters: A Survey Based Experiment on Distributive Justice . Marco Faravelli (University of Edinburgh)(144) Labour Contracts, Equal Treatment and Wage-Unemployment Dynamics . Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh) and Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh)(143) Single or Multiple Pricing in Electricity Pools? Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(142) The hold-up problem . Yeon-Koo Che and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(141) A decentralized market for a perishable good - Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(139) A theory of agreements in the shadow of conflict. Joan Esteban (CSIC and Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(138) Methods of Social Comparison in Games of Status . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienkot (University of Stirling)2005(97) On the Social Efficiency of Conflict . Santiago Sanchez-Pages (University of Edinburgh)(137) Self Help Groups: Use of modified ROSCAs in Microfinance . Kumar Aniket (Univesity of Edinburgh)(135) Learning in Games with Unstable Equilibria . Michel Benaïm (Université de Neuchâtel), Josef Hofbauer (University College London) and Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(134) Signalling of Relative Position, or Becker Married to Spence . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(133) Markets for professional services: queues and mediocrity . Clara Ponsati (IAE (CSIC), Barcelona) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(132) Concessions of Infrastructure in Latin America: Government-led Renegotiation . J Luis Guasch (World Bank And University of California, San Diego), Jean-Jacques Laffont (University of Toulouse and University of Southern California) and Stephane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(131) Corruption and Product Market Competition . Stéphane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(130 Two-Dimensional Product Differentiation Under Duopoly: An Application to Product and Service Reliability . Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh)(117) On the Design of Hierarchies: Coordination versus Specialization . Oliver Hart (Harvard University and LSE) and John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(102) Opportunism, Corruption and the Multinational Firm's Mode of Entry . Stephane Straub (University of Edinburgh)(101) Informal Sector: The Credit Market Channel . Stephane Straub (University of Edinburgh)2004(98) A Meaningful Two-Person Bargaining Solution Based on Ordinal Preferences . József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(129) Conflict as a Part of the Bargaining Process . Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(128) An Experimental Study of Truth-Telling in a Sender-Receiver Game . Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh) and Marc Vorsatz (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)(127) Consumption, Status and Redistribution. Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Stirling)(126) Extended Conversations in Sender-Receiver Games . R. Vijay Krishna (University of Edinburgh)(125) Communication in Games of Incomplete Information: The Two-Player Case . R. Vijay Krishna (University of Edinburgh)(124) A Model of Participatory Democracy: Understanding the Case of Porto Alegre . Enriqueta Aragonès (CSIC) and Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (University of Edinburgh)(123) Status, Inequality and Growth . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Stirling)(122) Non-Monotone Comparative Statics in Games of Incomplete Information . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Stirling)(121) Adaptive Learning Models of Consumer Behavior . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(120) Does Market Concentration Preclude Risk Taking in Banking? Kaniska Dam (Universidad de Guanajuato) and Santiago Sanchez Pages (University of Edinburgh)(109) Agreeing Now to Agree Later: Contracts that Rule Out but do not Rule In . Oliver Hart (Harvard University and LSE) and John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(105) Gravity Models of the Intra-EU Trade: Application of the Hausman-Taylor Estimation in Heterogeneous Panels with Common Time-specific Factors . Laura Serlenga ( University of Edinburgh) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(100) Contractual Remedies to the Holdup Problem: A Dynamic Perspective . Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia University) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)2003(99) The use of conflict as a bargaining tool against unsophisticated opponents . Santiago Sanchez-Pages (University of Edinburgh)(96) Inter-league competition for talent vs. competitive balance . Frederic Palomino (HEC School of Management and CEPR) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(94) Matching and Sorting with Horizontal Heterogeneity . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)(91) Ratio Orderings and Comparative Statics . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Stirling)(79) Attainability of Boundary Points under Reinforcement Learning . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Martin Posch (University of Vienna)(65) Alternative efficiency measures for multiple-output production . Carmen Fernandez (Lancaster University), Gary Koop (University of Leicester) and Mark F J Steel (University of Warwick)(136) Sequential Group Lending with Moral Hazard . Kumar Aniket (LSE)(119) A Cost of Unified Currency . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(115) Inside Money and Liquidity . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(108) GLS Detrending-Based Unit Root Tests in Nonlinear STAR and SETAR Frameworks . George Kapetanios (Queen Mary, University of London) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(106) Trade, Technology and Wage Inequality in the South African Manufacturing Sectors . Johannes Fedderke (University of the Witwatersrand), Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Prabhat Vaze (Office of National Statistics, UK)(104) Unit Root Tests in Three-Regime SETAR Models . George Kapetanios (Queen Mary, University of London) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(103) Renegotiation of Concession Contracts in Latin America . J.Luis Guasch (World Bank and University of California, San Diego), Jean-Jacques Laffont (University of Toulouse and University of Southern California) and Stephane Straub (University of Edinburgh)2002(95) Unemployment Insurance under Moral Hazard and Limited Commitment: Public versus Private Provision . Jonathan P Thomas (University of Edinburgh) and Tim Worrall (Keele University)(93) Bankruptcy Proceedings for Sovereign State Insolvency and their Effect on Capital Flows . Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh)(92) Running to Keep in the Same Place: Consumer Choice as a Game of Status . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Tatiana Kornienko (University of Manitoba)(89) Trading Costs of Institutional Investors in Auction and Dealer Markets . Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh) and Ian Tonks (University of Bristol)(88) A Panel Data Approach to Testing Anomaly Effects in Factor Pricing Models . Laura Serlenga (Università degli Studi di Bari), Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)(86) The provision of quality in a bilateral search market . Clara Ponsati (IAE (CSIC), Barcelona) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(85) Collective vs. Individual Sale of TV Rights in League Sports . Sonia Falconieri (Tilburg University), Frederic Palomino (Tilburg University and CERP) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(84) Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Two-sided Matching . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)(83) Samuelson Machines and the Optimal Public-Private Mix . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh) and Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University)(82) Stable Partnerships, Matching, and Local Public Goods . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh) and Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University)(81) Olson vs. Coase: coalitional worth in conflict . Joan Esteban (CISC) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh)(80) Adaptive Learning Models of Consumer Behaviour (first version) . Ed Hopkins (Universiy of Edinburgh)(68) On the Co-Existence of Conventions . Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(34) Multiple-output production with undesirable output: An application to nitrogen surplus in agriculture . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol), Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh) and Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh)(116) Liquidity and Asset Pricing . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(107) Mean Group Tests for Stationarity in Heterogeneous Panels . Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)2001(90) Auctions for Split-Award Contracts . Martin K Perry (Rutgers University) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(87) Rights issues versus private placements:- Theory and UK evidence . Seth Armitage (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)(78) Learning, Information and Sorting in Market Entry Games: Theory and Evidence . John Duffy (University of Pittsburgh) and Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(76) Some Asymptotic Results in Discounted Repeated Games of One-Sided Incomplete Information . Martin W. Cripps (Washington University) and Jonathan Thomas (University of St Andrews and University of Edinburgh)(75) Mediation: Incomplete information bargaining with filtered communication . Xavier Jarque (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), Clara Ponsati (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(74) A Dynamic Theory of Holdup . Yeon-Koo Che ( University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(73) Bayesian Variants of Some classical Semiparametric Regression Techniques . Gary Koop (University of Glasgow) and Dale J Poirer (University of California)(72) Comparing the Performance of Baseball Players: A Multiple Output Approach . Gary Koop (University of Glasgow)(71) Modeling the Evolution of Distributions: An Application to Major League Baseball . Gary Koop (University of Glasgow)(67) Bayesian modelling of catch in a Northwest Atlantic Fishery . Carmen Fernandez (University of St. Andrews), Eduardo Ley (IMF Institute, Washington DC) and Mark F J Steel (University of Kent at Canterbury)(64) Forecast Uncertainties in Macroeconomics Modelling: An Application to the UK Economy . Athony Garratt (University of Cambrdge), Kevin Lee (University of Leicester), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(35) A long run structural macroeconometric model of the UK . Anthony Garratt (University of Cambridge), Kevin Lee (University of Leicester), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(112) Systemic Risk (Clarendon Lectures 3) . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(111) Liquidity, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy (Clarendon Lectures 2) . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)(110) Evil is the Root of all Money (Clarendon Lectures 1) . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)2000(69) Testing for a Unit Root against Nonlinear STAR Models . Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)(63) Randomly Available Outside Options in Bargaining . Clara Ponsati (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh and CSIC)(62) Speculating against an overconfident market . Jordi Caballe (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) and József Sákovics (University of Edinburgh and CSIC)(61) Delegated Bargaining and Renegotiation . Helmut Bester (Free University of Berlin) and Jozsef Sakovics (CSIC and University of Edinburgh)(60) Testing for a Linear Unit Root against Nonlinear Threshold Stationarity . George Kapetanios (NIESR) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(59) Revenue sharing in professional sports leagues: for the sake of competitive balance or as a result of monopsony power? Frederic Palomino (Tilburg University and CERP) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh)(57) Non-Convexities, Asymmetries and Aggregate Investment Activity: Evidence for the UK . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(56) Two Cheers for the Aggregated (S, s) Model! Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(55) Investment and Dividends under Irreversibility and Financial Constraints . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(54) Investment, Irreversibility, and Financial Imperfections . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(53) Learning in Perturbed Asymmetric Games . Josef Hofbauer (University of Vienna) and Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(52) The Stability of Price Dispersion under Seller and Consumer Learning . Ed Hokins (University of Edinburgh) and Robert M Seymour (University College London)(51) Two Competing Models of How People Learn in Games . Ed Hopkins (Univesity of Edinburgh and University of Pittsburgh)(49) Investment and Dividends under Irreversibility and Financial Constraints (first version) . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(11) Bayesian Analysis of Endogenous Delay Threshold Models . Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh) and Simon M. Potter (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)1999(70) Testing for Stationarity in Heterogeneous Panels with Serially Correlated Errors . Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh)(50) Pre-trial settlement: Who's for two-way offers? . Brian G Main (University of Edinburgh) and Andrew Park (University of Edinburgh)(47) Forecasting Cross-Section Stock Returns using Theoretical Prices Estimated from an Econometric Model . George Buckley (University of Exeter) and Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(46) Bounds Testing Approaches to the Analysis of Long Run Relationships . Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge), Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Richard J Smith (University of Bristol)(45) The Stability of Price Dispersion under Seller and Consumer Learning (first version) . Ed Hokins (University of Edinburgh) and Robert M Seymour (University College London)(44) Long-Run Structural Modelling . Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(43) We have just averaged over two trillion cross-country growth regressions . Eduardo Ley (IMF) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(42) Two Competing Models of How People Learn in Games (first version) . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh and University of Pittsburgh)(41) Long-run performance analysis of a new sample of UK IPOs . Eric Brown (University of Edinburgh)(40) When does immigration facilitate efficiency? . Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(39) The Case for a Discriminatory Pricing Rule in Competitive Electricity Pools . Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(38) Structural analysis of vector error correction models exogenous I (1) variables . Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge), Richard J Smith (University of Bristol) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(37) Why do lions get the lion's share? A Hobbesian theory of agreements . Joan Esteban (CSIC) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh and CSIC)(36) Walrus Retrouve: Decentralized Trading Mechanisms and the Competitive Price . Gianni De Fraja (University of York and CEPR) and Jozsef Sakovics (University of Edinburgh and CSIC)(35) A long run structural macroeconometric model of the UK . Anthony Garratt (University of Cambridge), Kevin Lee (University of Leicester), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(34) Multiple-output production with undesirable output: An application to nitrogen surplus in agriculture . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol), Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh) and Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh)(33) Trade and Labor usage: An examination of the Stolper-Samuelson theorem for the South African manufacturing industry . Johannes Fedderke (ERSA, University of Witwatersrand), Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh) and Prabhat Vaze (ERSA, University of Witwatersrand)(32) Law, Property, and Marital Dissolution . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)(30) The British American Rules: An experimental examination of pre-trial bargaining within the shadow of the law . Brian G Main (University of Edinburgh) and Andrew Park (University of Edinburgh)(29) The impact of defendant offers into court on negotiation in the shadow of the law: experimental evidence . Brian G Main (University of Edinburgh) and Andrew Park (University of Edinburgh)(27) Bayesian Regression Analysis with scale mixtures of normals . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(21) A Bayesian analysis of multiple-output production frontier. Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol), Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(19) Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Frontier Models . Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(17) A long run structural macroeconometric model of the UK (first version) . Anthony Garratt (University of Cambridge), Kevin Lee (University of Leicester), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(14) Cross-sectoral patterns of efficiency and technical change in manufacturing: A stochastic frontier analysis . Gary Koop (University of Glasgow)(12) Bayesian inference in models based on equilibrium search theory . Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh)1998(9) The Profitability of Block Trades in Auction and Dealer Markets . Andy Snell (University of Edinburgh) and Ian Tonks (University of Bristol)(8) A structural cointegrating VAR approach to macroeconometric modelling . Anthony Garratt (University of Cambridge), Kevin Lee (University of Leicester), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(66) Benchmark priors for Bayesian model averaging . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol), Eduardo Ley (FEDEA) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(6) What price civil justice? Brian G Main and Alan Peacock (University of Edinburgh)(5) A Model of Endogenous Quality Management . Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh)(4) Product Quality Under Regulated Monopoly . Donald A R George (University of Edinburgh)(31) Competition under non-linear pricing: the reselling solution with a public firm . Maria Vagliasindi and Pierre A Vagliasindi(28) An experiment with two-way offers into court: restoring the balance in pre-trial negotiation . Brian G Main (University of Edinburgh) and Andrew Park (University of Edinburgh)(26) Benchmark priors for Bayesian model averaging . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol), Eduardo Ley (FEDEA) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(23) Reference priors for the general location-scale model. Carmen Fernandez (CentER and Tilburg University) and Mark F J Steel (CentER and Tilburg University)(22) On the dangers of modelling through continuous distributions: A Bayesian perspective . Carmen Fernandez (University of Bristol) and Mark F J Steel (University of Edinburgh)(18) Property Rights and the Economics of Divorce . Simon Clark (University of Edinburgh)(16) Pooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels . Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh), Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge and University of Southern California) and Ron P Smith (Birkbeck College, London)(15) Dynamic asymmetries in US unemployment . Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh) and Simon M Potter (University of California, Los Angeles)(13) The valuation of IPO, SEO and Post-Chapter 11 firms: A Stochastic Frontier Approach . Gary Koop (University of Edinburgh) and Kai Li (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)(114) Cooperatives vs. Outside Ownership . Oliver Hart (Harvard University and LSE) and John Moore (University of Edinburgh)1997(7) Structural analysis of vector error correction models with exogenous I(1) variables (first version). Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (Trinity College, Cambridge), Richard J Smith (University of Bristol) and Yongcheol Shin (University of Edinburgh)(3) A Note on Best Response Dynamics . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)(118) Credit Chains . Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University), John Moore (University of Edinburgh)1996(25) Robust Bayesian inference on scale parameters . Carmen Fernandez (CentER and Tilburg University), Jacek Osiewalski (Academy of Economics, Poland) and Mark F J Steel (CentER and Tilburg University)(1) Price Dispersion: An Evolutionary Approach . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh) and Robert M. Seymour (UCL)1995(24) A Model of Management Teams . Eduardo Ley (Resources for Future, Washington DC) and Mark F J Steel (University of Tilburg)(2) Learning, Matching and Aggregation . Ed Hopkins (University of Edinburgh)Undated(58) Affiliation in Multi-Unit Discriminatory Auctions . Ahmed Anwar (University of Edinburgh)(48) Non-Convexities, Asymmetries and Aggregate Investment Activity: Evidence for the UK (first version) . Richard W P Holt (University of Edinburgh)(20) Bayesian modelling of catch in a Northwest Atlantic Fishery (first version) . Carmen Fernandez (University of St. Andrews), Eduardo Ley (IMF Institute, Washington DC) and Mark F J Steel (University of Kent at Canterbury)(10) A Model of Inter-Regional Trade in Grains with Storage . Prabhat Vaze (University of Edinburgh) Complete archiveFor a complete archive of all School papers from 1998 onwards, see the repository hosted by Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) website, the online collaborative database.School of Economics discussion papers - full archive This article was published on 2024-10-01