Academics at the School of Economics regularly publish research in leading journals. Here we list all journal articles since the start of 2014. 2023 Tajali, H & Meer, J, "Effects of the minimum wage on the nonprofit sector" in Oxford Economic Papers. 10.1093/oep/gpad024 Visschers, L., Lafuente, C., Ruland, A., Santeaulalia-Lopis, R., "The Effects of Covid-19 on Couples' Job Tenures: Mothers Have it Worse" in Labour Economics (Forthcoming) Zapechelnyuk A, & Mylovanov, T., "Constructive vs toxic argumentation in debates" in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (Forthcoming) Manalis G, Leontiou A & Xefteris D, "Bandwagons in costly elections: The role of loss aversion" in The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 10.1016/j.jebo.2023.03.011 Sakvoics J, & Calveras A, "Partially observable corporate social responsibility: The limits of differentiation" in Managerial and Decision and Economics. 10.1002/mde.3846 Zapechelnyuk A, "On the equivalence of information design by uninformed and informed principals" in Economic Theory. 10.1007/s00199-023-01495-z Zhao Y, "Job displacement and the mental health of households: Burden sharing counteracts spillover" in Labour Economics 10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102340 Visschers L, Carrillo-Tudela C, "Unemployment and Endogenous Reallocation over the Business Cycle" in Econometrica 10.3982/ECTA12498 Visschers L, Carrillo-Tudela C, Clymo A, Comunello C, Jäckle A, Zentler-Munro D, "Search and reallocation in the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the UK" in Labour Economics. Ollar M & Penta A, "A Network Solution to Robust Implementation: the Case of Identical but Unknown Distributions" in Review of Economic Studies. Gottfries A & Teulings C, "Returns to on-the-job search and wage dispersion" in Labour Economics 2022 Thomas, J & Worrall, T., "Self-Enforcing Wage Contracts Redux" in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. (Accepted) Ziegler, G & Guarino, P., "Optimism and Pessimism in Strategic Interactions under Ignorance" in Games and Economic Behavior. Migrow, D & Liu, S., 'When does centralization undermine adaptation?' in Journal of Economic Theory Sakovics, J & Forges F., 'Tenable threats when Nash Equilibrium is the norm' in International Journal of Game Theory Guell, M & Lafuente C.M, 'Revisiting the Determinants of Unemployment Duration: Variance Decomposition a la ABS in Spain' in Labour Economics.. Sakovics, J, Bru, L., Cardona, D 'Block sourcing plus' in European Journal of Operational Research Rodriguez Mora, J.V, Comerford, D, Watts, M.J .,'Meritocracy and the inheritance of advantage' in Journal for Economic Growth 10.1007/s10887-021-09201-1 Ollar, M & Penta, A., 'Efficient full implementation via transfers: Uniqueness and sensitivity in symmetric environments' in AEA Papers and Proceedings 10.1257/pandp.20221088 Hopkins, E, 'Is everything relative? A survey of the theory of matching tournaments' in Journal of Economic Surveys Giardili, S, Kamalini, R., Wallace, J.W 'Leadership and Productivity: A study of US automobile assembly plants' in Management Science Zigler G, 'Informational robustness of common belief in rationality' in Games and Economic Behavior. Olsson J, Boppart T, Harmenberg K., & Krusell P 'Integrated epi-econ assessment of vaccination' in Journal of Economic Dynamics. 2021 Guell M, Lafuente C.M, Sanchez M & Turon-Lacarrieu H, 'So different yet so alike: Micro and macro labour market outcomes in Germany and Spain' in SERIEs. Gottfries A, 'A Job Ladder Model with Stochastic Employment Opportunities' in Quantitative Economics. Elsby M & Gottfries A, 'Firm Dynamics, On-the-Job Search and Labour Market Fluctuations' in The Review of Economic Studies. Rodriguez Mora J, et al, 'Tracking the COVID-19 crisis with high resolution transaction data' in Royal Society Open Science. Hopkins E, Kornienko T, Duffy J, 'Lone wolf or heard animal? Information choice and learning from others' in European Economic Review. Potlogea A, Maurer, S.C, 'Male-biased demand shocks and women’s labour force participation: Evidence from large oil field discoveries' in Economica. Grobovsek J, Gottlieb C, Poschke M, Saltiel F, 'Working from Home in Developing Countries' in Eurpoean Economic Review. Grobovsek J, Gottlieb C, Poschke M, Saltiel F, 'Lockdown Accounting' in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. Hopkins E, Caron,T & Friedman D, 'An Experimental Investigation of Price Dispersion and Cycles', Journal of Political Economy. 2020 Battiston, D, Blanes Vidal, J & Kirchmaier, T, 'Face-to-Face Communication in Organizations' in The Review of Economic Studies Visschers L, Martellini P, Menzio G, 'Revisiting the hypothesis of high discounts and high unemployment' in Economic Journal. Worral T & Picard, P, 'Currency Areas and Voluntary Transfers', Journal of International Economics. Nuevo-Chiquero A, Campbell, S, Popli, G, & Ratcliffe, A, 2020, 'Parental ethnic identity and child test score', Fiscal Studies. Belot M, James, J & Spiteri, J, 'Facilitating healthy dietary habits: An experiment with a low income population", European Economic Review. Sakovics J & Che, YK, 'To trade, or not to trade, that is the question: New roles for incomplete contracts in dynamic settings', Journal of the European Economic Association. Grobovsek J, 'Managerial delegation, law enforcement, and aggregate productivity', Review of Economic Studies. Bai, L Handel, B, Miguel, E & Rao, G, 'Self-control and demand for preventive health: Evidence from hypertension in India', Review of Economics and Statistics. Dieterle, S, Bartalotti, O & Brummet, Q, 'Revisiting the effects of unemployment insurance extensions on unemployment: A measurement-error-corrected regression discontinuity approach', American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Dieterle, S, Bartalotti, O & Brummet, 'A correction for regression discontinuity designs with group-specific mismeasurement of the running variable', Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Potlogea, A & Maurer, SE, 'Male-biased demand shocks and women’s labour force participation: Evidence from large oil field discoveries', Economica. Zymek, R & Jones, B, 'UK Regional Productivity Differences: An Evidence Review', Industrial Strategy Council, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Commissioned Report. Link to report. Trevisan, F, 2020, 'Optimal prize allocations in group contests', Social Choice and Welfare. Bai, L & Wu, L, 'Political movement and trust formation: Evidence from the Cultural Revolution (1966-76)', European Economic Review. 2019 Moore, J & Kiyotaki N, 2019, 'Liquidity, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy' in Journal of Political Economy, vol. 127, no. 6, pp.2926-2966. Clausen, A, 2019, 'Reverse calculus and nested optimization', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 187 Duffy, J, Hopkins, E, Kornienko, T & Ma, M 2019, 'Information choice in a social learning experiment', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 118, pp. 295-315. Belot, M & Van De Ven, J 2019, 'Is dishonesty persistent?', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, vol. 83, 101464. Bai, L & Stumpner, S 2019, 'Estimating US consumer gains from Chinese imports', American Economic Review: Insights, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 209-224. Burguet, R & Sakovics, J 2019, 'Personalized prices and uncertainty in monopsony', International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 67. Elsby, M & Solon, G 2019, 'How prevalent is downward rigidity in nominal wages? International evidence from payroll records and pay slips', Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 185-201. Greenwood, J, Kircher, P, Santos, C & Tertilt, M 2019, 'An equilibrium model of the African HIV/AIDS epidemic', Econometrica, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 1081-1113. Elsby, M, Michaels, R & Ratner, D 2019, 'The aggregate effects of labor market frictions', Quantitative Economics, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 803-852. Wright, R, Kircher, P, Benoit, J & Guerrieri, V 2019, 'Directed search and competitive search: A guided tour', Journal of Economic Literature. Calsamiglia, C, Fu, C & Guell, M 2019, 'Structural estimation of a model of school choices: The Boston Mechanism versus its alternatives', Journal of Political Economy. Candon, D 2019, 'The joint effect of health shocks and eligibility for social security on labor supply', European Journal of Health Economics, pp. 1-20. Elsby, M, Hobijn, B, Karahan, F, Kosar, G & Sahin, A 2019, 'Flow origins of labor force participation fluctuations', American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, vol. 109, pp. 461-464. Cabrales, A, Guell, M, Madera, R & Viola, A 2019, 'Income contingent university loans: Policy design and an application to Spain', Economic Policy. Bougheas, S & Worrall, T 2019, 'Portfolio sales and signaling', Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 99, pp. 182-191. Spiteri, J, James, J & Belot, M 2019, 'A computer-based incentivized food basket choice tool: Presentation and evaluation', PLoS ONE. Mathevet, L, Perego, J & Taneva, I 2019, 'On Information Design in Games', Journal of Political Economy. Taneva, I 2019, 'Information Design', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Kanbur, R & Snell, A 2019, 'Inequality indices as tests of fairness', Economic Journal. Elsby, M & Michaels, R 2019, 'Fixed adjustment costs and aggregate fluctuations', Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 101, pp. 128-147. Belot, M, Kircher, P & Muller, P 2019, 'Providing advice to job seekers at low cost: An experimental study on on-line advice', Review of Economic Studies, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 1411-1447. Logue, C & Keane, C 2019, 'The Impact of Free Childcare Policy on Childcare and Maternal Labour Supply Decisions: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design.', Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 2018 Gottlieb, C & Grobovsek, J 2018, 'Communal land and agricultural productivity', Journal of Development Economics. Kiyotaki, N & Moore, J 2018, 'Liquidity, business cycles, and monetary policy', Journal of Political Economy, vol. 126, no. 4. Burguet, R & Sakovics, J 2018, 'Bidding for talent in sport', Economic Inquiry, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 85-102. Bauer, C & Rodríguez Mora, JV 2018, 'Distortions, misallocation and the endogenous determination of the size of the financial sector', Economic Journal. Spiganti, A 2018, 'Can starving start-ups beat fat labs? A bandit model of innovation with endogenous financing constraint', The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Razzu, G & Singleton, C 2018, 'Segregation and gender gaps in the United Kingdom's Great Recession and recovery', Feminist Economics, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 31-55. Dieterle, S, Bartalotti, O & Brummet, Q 2018, 'Revisiting the effects of unemployment insurance extensions on unemployment: A measurement-error-corrected regression discontinuity approach', American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Comerford, D & Rodríguez Mora , JV 2018, 'The gains from economic integration', Economic Policy. Potlogea, A 2018, 'Globalization and the skilled city', Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 107, pp. 1-30. Anderlini, L, Felli, L & Immordino, G 2018, 'Costly pretrial agreements', Journal of Legal Studies. Guell, M, Rodríguez Mora , JV & Solon, G 2018, 'New directions in measuring intergenerational mobility: Introduction', Economic Journal, vol. 128, no. 612, ecoj.12607, pp. F335-F339. Guell, M, Pellizzari, M, Pica, G & Rodríguez Mora, JV 2018, 'Correlating social mobility and economic outcomes', Economic Journal, vol. 128, no. 612, pp. F353-F403. Calsamiglia, C & Guell, M 2018, 'Priorities in school choice: The case of the Boston mechanism in Barcelona', Journal of Public Economics, vol. 163, pp. 20-36. Schaefer, D & Singleton, C 2018, 'Unemployment and econometric learning', Research in Economics, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 277-296. Thomas, J & Worrall, T 2018, 'Dynamic relational contracts under complete information', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 175, pp. 624-651. Felli, L & Harris, C 2018, 'Firm-specific training', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 175, pp. 585-623. Mika, A & Zymek, R 2018, 'Friends without benefits? New EMU members and the 'Euro Effect' on trade', Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 83, pp. 75-92. Singleton, C 2018, 'Long-term unemployment and the Great Recession: Evidence from UK stocks and flows', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 105-126. Belot, M & Fafchamps, M 2018, 'Are people equally other-regarding when selecting a match vs choosing an allocation?', Southern Economic Journal, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 1088-1108. Bíró, A 2018, 'Health of central and eastern European migrants in Germany: Healthy migrant effects and good health maintained?', International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 68-81. Biro, A & Elek, P 2018, 'How does retirement affect healthcare expenditures? Evidence from a change in the retirement age', Health Economics (United Kingdom), vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 803-818. Finus, M & Al Khourdajie, A 2018, 'Strategic environmental policy, international trade and self-enforcing agreements: The role of consumers' taste for variety', Strategic Behavior and the Environment, vol. 7, no. 3-4, pp. 317-350. Eeckhout, J & Kircher, P 2018, 'Assortative matching with large firms', Econometrica, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 85-132. Lopes De Melo, R 2018, 'Firm wage differentials and labor market sorting: Reconciling theory and evidence', Journal of Political Economy, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 313-346. Grobovsek, J 2018, 'Development accounting with intermediate goods', The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 18, no. 1, 20160223, pp. 1-27. Snell, A, Martins, P, Stüber, H & Thomas, J 2018, 'Bias in returns to tenure when firm wages and employment comove: A quantitative assessment and solution', Journal of Labor Economics, pp. 47-74. Hopkins, E 2018, 'Inequality and risk-taking behaviour', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 107, pp. 316-328. Foss, S, Shneer, V, Thomas, J & Worrall, T 2018, 'Stochastic stability of monotone economies in regenerative environments', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 173, pp. 334-360. Snell, A, Stueber, H & Thomas, J 2018, 'Downward real wage rigidity and equal treatment wage contracts: Theory and evidence', Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 30, pp. 265-284. George, D 2018, 'Economic growth with institutional saving and investment', Review of Political Economy, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 28-40. Lehmann, J-YK, Nuevo-Chiquero, A & Vidal-Fernandez, M 2018, 'The early origins of birth order differences in children's outcomes and parental behavior', Journal of Human Resources. Candon, D 2018, 'The effect of cancer on the labor supply of employed men over the age of 65', Economics and Human Biology, vol. 31, pp. 184-199. 2017 Arvidsson-Shukur, DRM, Gottfries, A & Barnes, CHW 2017, 'Evaluation of counterfactuality in counterfactual communication protocols', Physical review a, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. (062316)1-15. Burguet, R & Sakovics, J 2017, 'Competitive foreclosure', RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 906-926. Biro, A, 2017, 'Effect of ageing on the ownership of durable goods', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 501-529. Ollár, M & Penta, A 2017, 'Full implementation and belief restrictions', American Economic Review, vol. 107, no. 8, pp. 2243-2277. Cubel, M & Sanchez-Pages, S 2017, 'Gender differences and stereotypes in strategic reasoning', Economic Journal, vol. 127, no. 601, pp. 728-756. Mirkov, N & Steinhauer, A 2017, 'Asymmetry of individual and aggregate inflation expectations: A survey', Manchester School, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 446-467. Anghel, B, Cabrales, A, Guell, M & Viola, A 2017, 'Un análisis de modelos para financiar la educación terciaria: Descripción y evaluación de impacto', Revista de Economia Industrial. Greenwood, J, Kircher, P, Santos, C & Tertilt, M 2017, 'The role of marriage in fighting HIV: A quantitative illustration for Malawi', American Economic Review, vol. 107, no. 5, pp. 158-162. Lester, B, Visschers, L & Wolthoff, R 2017, 'Competing with asking prices', Theoretical Economics, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 731-770. Doyle, O, Harmon, C, Logue, C, Heckman, J & Moon, S 2017, 'Early skill formation and the efficiency of parental investment: A randomized controlled trial of home visiting', Labour Economics, vol. 45, pp. 40-58. Thomas, J & Wang, Z 2017, 'Marginal Subsidies in Tullock Contests', Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 511-526. Feyrer, J, Politi, D & Weil, DN 2017, 'The cognitive effects of micronutrient deficiency: Evidence from salt iodization in the United States', Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 355–387. Callan, T, Colgan, B, Keane, C, Logue, C & Walsh, J 2017, 'Income-tested health entitlements: Microsimulation modelling using SILC', Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, vol. XLVI, pp. 97-109. Belotti, F, Hughes, G & Piano Mortari, A 2017, 'Spatial panel data models using Stata', The Stata Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 139-180. Kawamura, K & Vlaseros, V 2017, 'Expert information and majority decisions', Journal of Public Economics, vol. 147, pp. 77-88. Burguet, R & Sakovics, J 2017, 'Bertrand and the long run', International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 51, pp. 39-55. Belot, M & van de Ven, J 2017, 'How private is private information? The ability to spot deception in an economic game', Experimental Economics , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 19-43. Steiner, J, Stewart, C & Matějka, F 2017, 'Rational inattention dynamics: Inertia and delay in decision-making', Econometrica, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 521-553. Brodszky, V, Bíró, A, Szekanecz, Z, Soós, B, Baji, P, Rencz, F, Tóthfalusi, L, Gulácsi, L & Péntek, M 2017, 'Determinants of biological drug survival in rheumatoid arthritis: Evidence from a Hungarian rheumatology center over 8 years of retrospective data', ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, vol. 9, pp. 139-147. Cunat, A & Zymek, R 2017, 'Specialisation patterns, GDP correlations and external balances', CESifo Economic Studies, pp. 1-21. Eugster, B, Lalive, R, Steinhauer, A & Zweimuller, J 2017, 'Culture, work attitudes and job search: Evidence from the Swiss language border', Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 15, no. 5, jvw024, pp. 1056-1100. Grossman, GM, Helpman, E & Kircher, P 2017, 'Matching, sorting, and the distributional effects of international trade', Journal of Political Economy, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 224-264. Jennings, C & Sanchez-Pages, S 2017, 'Social capital, conflict and welfare', Journal of Development Economics, vol. 124, 124, pp. 157-167. Diamond, PA & Felli, L 2017, 'Search, sticky prices and deflation', Journal of Monetary Economics. 2016 Belot, M, James, J & Nolen, P 2016, 'Incentives and children's dietary choices: A field experiment in primary schools', Journal of Health Economics, vol. 50, pp. 213-229. Biro, A 2016, 'Outpatient visits after retirement in Europe and the US', International Journal of Health Economics and Management, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 363–385. Cubel, M & Sanchez-Pages, S 2016, 'An axiomatization of difference-form contest success functions', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 131, pp. 92-105. Clausen, A & Strub, C 2016, 'Money cycles', International Economic Review, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1279-1298. Felli, L & Hortala-Vallve, R 2016, 'Collusion, blackmail and whistle-blowing', Quarterly Journal of Political Science, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 279-312. Dieterle, S & Snell, A 2016, 'A simple diagnostic to investigate instrument validity and heterogeneous effects when using a single instrument', Labour Economics, vol. 42, pp. 76-86. Berlin, N & Dargnies, M-P 2016, 'Gender differences in reactions to feedback and willingness to compete', Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 130. Hopkins, E & Bhaskar, V 2016, 'Marriage as a Rat Race: Noisy Pre-Marital Investments with Assortative Matching', Journal of Political Economy, vol. 124, no. 4, pp. 992-1045. Berlin, N, Goldzahl, L, Jusot, F & Berlin, I 2016, 'Protocol for study of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy (FISCP): randomised, multicentre study', BMJ Open, vol. 6, no. 7, e011669. Sánchez-Pagés, S & Solano García, Á 2016, 'Immigration, conflict, and redistribution', Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 557-593. Steiner, J & Stewart, C 2016, 'Perceiving prospects properly', American Economic Review, vol. 106, no. 7, pp. 1601-31. Maria, C, Nuevo-Chiquero, A, Sanchez-Pages, S & Vidal-Fernandez, M 2016, 'Do personality traits affect productivity? Evidence from the lab', Economic Journal, vol. 126, no. 592, pp. 654–681. Carillo-Tudela, C, Visschers, L, Hobijn, B & She, P 2016, 'The extent and cyclicality of career changes: Evidence for the UK', European Economic Review, vol. 84, pp. 18-41. Biro, A 2016, 'Differences between subjective and predicted survival probabilities and their relation to preventive care use', The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy , vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 807-835. Gioia, F 2016, 'Peer effects on risk behaviour: the importance of group identity', Experimental Economics . Razzu, G & Singleton, C 2016, 'Gender and the business cycle: An analysis of labour markets in the US and UK', Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 47, no. Part B, pp. 131-146. Belot, M & James, J 2016, 'Partner selection into policy relevant field experiments', Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 123, pp. 31–56. Berlin, N, Tavani, J-L & Beasancon, M 2016, 'An exploratory study of creativity, personality and schooling achievement', Education Economics , vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 536-556. Felli, L & Roberts, K 2016, 'Does competition solve the hold‐up problem?', Economica, vol. 83, no. 329, pp. 172-200. Elsby, M, Shin, D & Solon, G 2016, 'Wage adjustment in the great recession and other downturns: Evidence from the United States and Great Britain', Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 249-291. 2015 Kim, K & Kircher, P 2015, 'Efficient Competition through Cheap Talk: The Case of Competing Auctions', Econometrica, vol. 83, no. 5, pp. 1849–1875. Faravelli , M & Sanchez-Pages, S 2015, '(Don't) Make My Vote Count', Journal of Theoretical Politics, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 544-569. Kaas, L & Kircher, P 2015, 'Efficient firm dynamics in a frictional labor market', American Economic Review, vol. 105, no. 10, pp. 3030-3060. Belot, M 2015, 'Cognitive discrimination - a benchmark experimental study', Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 173-185. Elsby, M, Michaels, R & Ratner, D 2015, 'The Beveridge Curve: A Survey', Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 571-630. Biro, A 2015, 'Did the junk food tax make the Hungarians eat healthier?', Food Policy, vol. 54, pp. 107-115. Candon, D 2015, 'The effects of cancer on older workers in the English labour market', Economics and Human Biology, vol. 18, pp. 74-84. Belot, M, Duch, R & Miller, L 2015, 'A comprehensive comparison of students and non-students in classic experimental games', Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 113, pp. 26–33. Elsby, M, Hobijn, B & Sahin, A 2015, 'On the importance of the participation margin for labor market fluctuations', Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 72, pp. 64-82. Pinheiro, R & Visschers, L 2015, 'Unemployment Risk and Wage Differentials', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 157, pp. 397-424. Groes, F, Kircher, P & Manovskii, I 2015, 'The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility', Review of Economic Studies, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 659-692. Dam, K, Escrihuela-Villar, M & Sanchez-Pages, S 2015, 'On the relationship between market power and bank risk taking', Journal of Economics, vol. 114, no. 2, pp. 177-204. Belot, M & Schröder, M 2015, 'The spillover effects of monitoring: A field experiment', Management Science, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 37-45. Kawamura, K 2015, 'Confidence and competence in communication', Theory and Decision, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 233-259. Guell, M, Rodríguez Mora, JV & Telmer, C 2015, 'The Informational Content of Surnames, the Evolution of Intergenerational Mobility and Assortative Mating', Review of Economic Studies, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 1-43. Snell, A, Thomas, J & Wang, Z 2015, 'A Competitive Model of Worker Replacement and Wage Rigidity', Economic Inquiry, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 419-430. Zymek, R 2015, 'Factor proportions and the growth of world trade', Journal of International Economics, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 42-53. Sakovics, J 2015, 'Tractable valuations under uncertainty', Economics Letters, vol. 126, pp. 68-70. Chi-ang Lin, B, Chen, Y & George, D 2015, 'A circular economy model of economic growth', Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 73, no. Nov 2015, pp. 60-63. Bonner, C, van Lelyveld, I & Zymek, R 2015, 'Banks’ liquidity buffers and the role of liquidity regulation', Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 48, no. 3. Dieterle, S 2015, 'Class-size reduction policies and the quality of entering teachers', Labour Economics, vol. 36, no. October 2015, pp. 35-47. Visschers, L, Menzio, G & Telyukova, IA 2015, 'Directed search over the life cycle', Review of Economic Dynamics. Worrall, T & Picard, P 2015, 'Is a policy of free movement of workers sustainable?', Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Lester, B, Visschers, L & Wolthoff, R 2015, 'Meeting technologies and optimal trading mechanisms in competitive search markets', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 155, pp. 1-15. Steiner, J & Stewart, C 2015, 'Price distortions under coarse reasoning with frequent trade', Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 159 (Part A), no. Sep 2015, pp. 574-595. Friedman, D & Sakovics, J 2015, 'Tractable consumer choice', Theory and Decision, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 333-358. 2014 Loeper, A, Steiner, J & Stewart, C 2014, 'Influential Opinion Leaders', Economic Journal, vol. 124, no. 581, pp. 1147-1167. Sanchez-Pages, S, Rodriguez-Ruiz, C & Turiegano, E 2014, 'Facial masculinity: How the choice of measurement method enables to detect its influence on behaviour', PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 11, e112157, pp. 1-10. Hopkins, E 2014, 'Competitive altruism, mentalizing, and signaling', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 272-292. Kawamura, K & Sakovics, J 2014, 'Spillovers of equal treatment in wage offers', Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 487–501. Berlin, N, Bernard, A & Furst, G 2014, 'Time spent on New Songs: Word-of-Mouth and Price Effects on Teenager Consumption', Journal of Cultural Economics. Anderlini, L, Felli, L & Riboni, A 2014, 'Why stare decisis?', Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 726-738. Belot, M & James, J 2014, 'A new perspective on the issue of selection bias in randomized controlled field experiments', Economics Letters, vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 326-328. Sakovics, J 2014, 'Price formation in a matching market with targeted offers', Games and Economic Behavior, vol. 87, pp. 161-177. Nuevo-Chiquero, A 2014, 'The labor force effects of unplanned childbearing', Labour Economics, vol. 29, pp. 91-101. Dieterle, S, Guarino, CM, Reckase, M & Wooldridge, J 2014, 'How do Principals Assign Students to Teachers? Finding Evidence in Administrative Data and the Implications for Value-added', Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 32-58. Baccara, M, Collard-Wexler, A, Felli, L & Yariv, L 2014, 'Child-adoption matching: Preferences for gender and race', American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 133-158. Kawamura, K & Moreno de Barreda, I 2014, 'Biasing selection contests with ex-ante identical agents', Economics Letters, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 240-243. Elsby, M, Hobijn, B & Sahin, A 2014, 'The Decline of the U.S. Labor Share', Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 1-63. George, D 2014, 'Segmentation in Consumer Durables Markets', International Journal of Business Administration, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 13-22. Munoz-Reyes, JA, Pita, M, Arjona, M, Sanchez-Pages, S & Turiegano, E 2014, 'Who is the fairest of them all? The independent effect of attractive features and self-perceived attractiveness on cooperation among women', Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 118-125. Cason, TN, Friedman, D & Hopkins, E 2014, 'Cycles and instability in a rock-paper-scissors population game: A continuous time experiment', Review of Economic Studies, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 112-136. Candon, D, Healy, J & Crown, J 2014, 'Modelling the cost-effectiveness of adjuvant lapatinib for early-stage breast cancer', Acta oncologica, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 201-208. Lalive, R, Schlosser, A, Steinhauer, A & Zweimuller, J 2014, 'Parental leave and mothers careers: The relative importance of job protection and cash benefits', Review of Economic Studies, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 219-265. 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