New faces in the School of Economics

We are delighted to welcome six new lecturers to the department after the summer.




Diego Battiston

Diego Battiston

Diego joins us from Stockholm University. His  research interests include labour economics, organisational economics and development economics. His job market paper is 'The Persistent Effects of Brief Interactions: Evidence from Immigrant Ships'.                   

Jonas Cederlof

Jonas Cederlof

Jonas joins us from Uppsala University. His  research interests include policy, labour and public economics. His job market paper is 'Saved by Seniority? - Effects of Displacement for Workers at the Margin of Layoff'.                                        

Soledad Giardili

Soledad Giardili

Soledad joins us from Queen Mary University of London. Her research interests include labour and development economics, focusing on education and health. Her job market paper is 'Single-Sex Primary Schools and Student Achievement: Evidence from Admission Lotteries'. 

Jonna Olsson

Jonna Olsson

Jonna joins us from the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests include quantitative models and labour supply. Her job market paper is 'Structural Transformation of the Labor Market and the Aggregate Economy'.

Tiancheng Sun

Tiancheng Sun

Tiancheng joins us from the London School of Economics. His research interests include monetary economics, business cycles. His job market paper is 'Capacity Underutilization and Demand Driven Business Cycles'. 



Gabriel Ziegler

Gabriel Ziegler

Gabriel joins us from Northwestern University. His research interests include information economics and microeconomic theory. His job market paper is 'Adversarial Bilateral Information Design'.