Years 3 & 4 (Honours)

The last two years of your Economics degree offer opportunity for deeper study of essential themes learned in the first two years.

View the programme specifications of our Economics degrees

Year three

In your third year, you will study:

  • Topics in Microeconomics
  • Essentials of Econometrics
  • Topics in Macroeconomics
  • Applications of Econometrics
  • Two Honours option courses

Year four

In your final year, you will study the equivalent of four Honours option semester-length courses and complete your 10,000 word dissertation.


I came to Edinburgh straight after my baccalaureate in France and I’m glad I made that decision! An undergraduate degree in Scotland has the advantage of allowing you to study three different academic subjects in the first two years… One of the options I chose was Development Economics and I enjoyed the course enough to have completed a PhD in that field!

Tom Flochel
PhD Economics


Degree name

Like other Scottish universities, many of our undergraduate degrees are named 'masters'. This is unlike elsewhere in the UK, where first degrees are generally 'bachelor' degrees.

Economics degrees at the University of Edinburgh are awarded as MA (Hons). This is a conventional undergraduate degree, not equivalent to a postgraduate masters.


To find out more about the University's degree names and structure, please refer to the Undergraduate Entry website.