John G Greenwood

MA Economics and Economic History, 1974

John Greenwood OBE is Chief Economist of AMVESCAP plc, which includes INVESCO and AIM.

A graduate of Edinburgh University, he did economic research at Tokyo University and was a visiting research fellow at the Bank of Japan (1970-74).

From 1974 he was Chief Economist with GT Management plc, based initially in Hong Kong and later in San Francisco. As editor of Asian Monetary Monitor he proposed a currency board scheme for stabilizing the Hong Kong dollar in 1983 that is still in operation today.

Mr. Greenwood was a director of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Clearing Corporation (1987-91) and council member the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (1992-93). An economic adviser to the Hong Kong Government (1992-93), he has been a member of the Committee on Currency Board Operations of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority since 1998. He is also a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee in England.

Mr. Greenwood is a director of INVESCO Asia Ltd in Hong Kong, INVESCO Asset Management Singapore Ltd, and the Hong Kong Association in London.