
Recent news and announcements from the School of Economics.

Led by Dr Pawel Gola, Multidimensional Sorting with Imperfectly Transferable Utility is new initiative that could reshape our understanding of labour market dynamics.

The School of Economics is saddened to share the news that a former colleague, Donald Rutherford, who retired on 30 September of 2009, has passed away. Donald spent the majority of his career at the University of Edinburgh.

Dr Soledad Giardili is seeking a research assistant with proficient written and spoken Spanish for a project on the labour market of teachers.

Professor Ludo Visschers, along with co-authors Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Essex) and Alex Clymo (University of Essex) have published their findings on the impact of Covid-19 on unemployment and earning inequality.

The School of Economics is deeply saddened by the passing of Professor Peter Vandome, who served as Head of Department during the period 1983-86.

We are delighted to announce that Dr Andrei Potlogea has been successful in his application to the ESRC New Investigator Grant.

The MacCaLM project holds it final annual summer programme at the RSE, from Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th of May.

The results of Research Excellence Framework 2021 has just been announced.

School of Economics lecturer, Diego Battiston, has been named the winner of the Distinguished CESifo Affiliated Award 2021 in the CESifo Network Area Economics of Digitization.

Yale University's Theodore Nierenberg Professor of Economics, Fiona Scott Morton, gave a special guest lecture at the Playfair Library on Monday 27th September.

The School of Economics is deeply saddened by the passing of Ian Stewart, who served as Head of Department until the early 1980s.

The School of Economics' Student Welfare Manager has been featured on the Edinburgh Impact Inspiring Minds blog.

A very warm congratulations to our 2021 Summer Graduates.

School of Economics Professor, John Moore, has been awarded the 2020 Senior Prize in Monetary Economics and Finance from the Banque De France and Toulouse School of Economics.

Professor John Moore has won the prestigious 2020 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award.

A message to our community in response to an incident on Friday 11 December, and where to get support.

Share you festive/winter scenes by Monday 14th to be in with a chance to win some goodies! #econchristmas

We invite students to a special talk by Jan Grobovšek on his latest research on the Economics of COVID-19.

From 9th to 27th of November the School of Economics is focusing on Mental Health and Wellbeing. We will be hosting 2 major event - sign up now!

This is a video recording of John Moore’s Keynote Lecture “Credit Horizons” — based on joint research with Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton) and Shengxing Zhang (LSE) — delivered at the CESifo Area Conference on Money, Macro, and International Finance held in Munich on 23 July 2020.

We are delighted to welcome six new lecturers to the department after the summer.

Congratulations to Professor Maia Guell who has been elected to the Royal Economic Society Council for 2020-2025.

In a Mini-Series on Embedding Belonging in the Classroom, Lorna Quickfall from the School of Economics, explains the relationship between empowering students as confident learners and students’ sense of belonging.

Receive an instructor-signed certificate to verify your achievement and increase your job prospects.

The University of Edinburgh and School of Economics were delighted to present Professor Nobuhiro Kiyotaki with an Honorary Doctor of Science degree on Friday 29 November 2019. Previous recipients of the Honorary Doctorate are Professor James Mirrlees and Professor Angus Deaton, both of whom went on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Five events are being held by the school to recognise the importance of mental health and wellbeing, and students at all levels of study are encouraged to participate.

Congratulations to Mike Elsby on his appointment as a Director of The Review of Economic Studies, one of the most prestigious economic journals in the world. 

We hope you can join us on Tuesday 15 October at 19:00 in the Playfair Library for the next in the ‘An Evening with’ series: An Evening with Robert Zymek: The US-China Trade War.

The School of Economics is delighted to announce that Professor Philipp Kircher has been awarded the 2019 IZA Young Labour Economist Award.

In celebration of the Edinburgh School of Economics’ 10-year anniversary, a series of events called ‘an evening with’ was launched, where prominent members of the school give special lectures to economics students at Edinburgh. To kick-start this series off, the first speaker was none other than renowned economist John Moore.

Postgraduate Virtual Open Day is a great opportunity to learn more about continuing your economics education at Masters or PhD level.

We are looking at developing an on campus Masters programme aimed at students with a STEM background such as mathematics, computer science or physics, who are keen to pursue a career as an economist.

MacCaLM Investigators Michele Belot and Philipp Kircher, along with MacCaLM Fellow, Paul Muller explore whether job seekers can be assisted in searching for jobs more effectively.

On August 1st 2019, the School of Economics celebrates its 10th Anniversary as the ‘School of Economics’. To celebrate this, the school is planning a year-long project called EconCelebrate, which focuses on celebrating Economics as a subject and the people who make the school what it is today. Economics as a subject is really about people. We want to make these celebrations about people too.

School of Economics news archives 2008-2014.