Soledad Giardili's project has been funded by the British Academy. The project The recruitment of teachers and their allocation across schools can have significant impact on a country’s stock of human capital and on the achievement gaps between students from different backgrounds. Due to the limited understanding of how teachers labour market function and how different mechanisms results in different sorting of teachers to school, especially in less develop contexts, the aim of this project is to study a matching market in practice. The project will leverage the centralized assignment of teachers to public schools in Argentina and assess it performance in terms of teachers' spatial distribution (equilibrium allocation), their match (a given teacher in a particular school) productivity, the level of job satisfaction (or incentives to move to a better school), and their incentives to move up the career ladder. Importantly, it would point towards policies that can improve labour market outcomes and achieve a better distribution of effective teachers across schools. Soledad Giardili Soledad is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh. Her main research interests include labour economics, economics of education and health economics. In her work, she exploit a range of research designs and data sources including administrative records, natural experiments and surveys. BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants stand as one of the Academy’s highest profile programmes with awards made to academics working at around 100 Institutions around the UK. These awards, up to £10,000 in value and tenable for up to 24 months. For more information about this project, or if you are a member of research staff at the School of Economics and are interested in applying for a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, please contact For resources for preparing your grant application and more, follow the link below to our dedicated SharePoint: Resources for Economic Researchers This article was published on 2024-10-01