Anne Burgess

MA Economics, 1969

Photograph of Anne Burgess

Graduated MA (Hons) in 1969

Fellow of the Tourism Society Fellow of the Edinburgh Geological Society Tourist Officer, Wester Ross Tourist Organisation, 1971-75

District Tourist Officer, Perth and Kinross District Council 1975-83

Chief Tourist Officer/Head of Tourism/Director of Tourism, Moray District Council/Moray Tourist Board 1983-95

Having gone to work for Wiggins Teape because it was the only job offer I got, I moved into tourism in 1971. I very much enjoyed my jobs until the early 1990s, when political interference and management fads began to make it difficult to do the work properly, so I resigned in 1995 and took up a new career as a lady of leisure.

Being acutely conscious of the gaping holes in my education (my science career had come to a shuddering halt at the anatomy of the Bunsen burner when my science teacher disagreed with both me and Chambers Dictionary over spelling), I embarked on a science degree with the Open University, and graduated with first class honours in 2007.

In between times I am a volunteer with the British Executive Service Overseas, and have time and leisure to pursue numerous hobbies including genealogy, geology, gliding, sailing, canoeing, birdwatching, botany, Scottish country dancing, and photography.