Teaching and learning in 2022-23

We are returning to predominantly in-person teaching in 2022-23.

In-person teaching

Our teaching model for next year will depend on the Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time, but we are planning on the basis that all students will be with us in Edinburgh. At present, on the basis of the University’s guidance, we are expecting to be able to deliver lectures (and tutorials and labs) in-person in academic year 2022-23. 

Physical lectures will be recorded and made available through Learn (live-streaming may also be possible, subject to the IT capabilities of the lecture theatre, at the course organiser’s discretion). We intend to use in-person examinations for all undergraduate courses for the December and the April-May examination diet.  

Health and safety

The University follows the Scottish Government's Covid-19 guidelines and recommendations, and we work hard to ensure our buildings are accessible and safe. Control measures that we encourage to reduce the risk of the transmission of Covid-19 include:

  • Good hand hygiene and surface cleaning
  • Continued promotion of good ventilation
  • Wearing face coverings in certain areas
  • Continued compliance with Test and Protect requirements, including self-isolation as necessary
  • Ongoing need for outbreak management capability

You can visit the School’s building, and book in-person meetings with members of staff during the semester. Of course, you can also get in touch with your Student Adviser and all other School staff via online means (please see the "Our people" section of this page for contact details). The study labs in rooms 4.18 (BLUE Lab) and the basement of 30 Buccleuch Place are also open.

Chat to our students

You can speak to our current students about their experience through our Unibuddy service. 

Chat to our undergraduate students

Still got questions? 

Please do contact us if you have any further queries.

Get in touch using the online undergraduate enquiry form

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