Disabilities and/or special educational needs

The University of Edinburgh is committed to equal opportunities for disabled staff and students.

We aim to create an environment that enables people with disabilities to participate fully in the mainstream of University life. We welcome disabled students (including those with specific learning difficulties) and work to make our courses accessible. Although teaching practice within the School of Economics reflects a variety of approaches, meeting the particular needs of disabled students is prioritised.


To arrange Learning Adjustments, you will meet an advisor from the Disability and Learning Support Service. They can discuss possible adjustments and specific examination arrangements with you, assist you with an application for Disabled Students’ Allowance, give you information about available technology and personal assistance, and prepare a Schedule of Adjustments which outlines recommended adjustments.


Once your Schedule of Adjustments has been prepared by the Disability and Learning Support Service, it will be used by the School to determine the adjustments applied to each course that you have registered for. This allows adjustments to be communicated directly to Course Organisers, so you will not have to discuss the same issues with multiple members of staff.


While we have returned to in-person teaching in 2022-2023, physical lectures are recorded and made available through our online learning environment, LEARN. Live-streaming may also be possible, subject to the IT capabilities of the lecture theatre, at the Course Organiser’s discretion. We intend to use in-person examinations for all undergraduate courses for the December and the April-May examination diet. 


We welcome feedback on the suitability of our provision of teaching and learning services to meet your needs. If we can do more to support you, we want to learn about that. For information on how adjustments are implemented, or to provide feedback, please contact the Student Disability Service or the School's Coordinator of Adjustments, Lorna Devlin. 



Disability and Learning Support Service

Lorna Devlin