Scottish Economics Conference

Students from six of Scotland's leading universities organise first Scottish Economics conference.

The inaugural Scottish Economics Conference will take place on Friday 2 March at Central Hall in Edinburgh.

scottish economics conference


Supported by the School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh and others, the event is organised by students from six of Scotland’s leading universities (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh University, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt and St. Andrews) and aims to deliver one of the largest student-run conferences in the UK. It is hoped that by nurturing this newfound collaborative partnership, the student societies will continue to work together on joint projects in the coming years.

The theme for the inaugural conference is “A Brave New World”.

The keynote address on Friday morning will be given by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England. He will talk about the nature of money and how it is changing, including the emergence of cryptocurrencies and the possibility of central bank digital currencies. He will also explain how the Bank of England is supporting innovation through the private sector whilst maintaining public trust in money and payments.

Keynote speakers

  • Peter Roscoe: Director of Climate Change Economics Ltd, previously Senior Economist for the Department of Energy and ClimateChange (DECC) and was part of the UK’s UN climate negotiations team
  • Martin Weale, CBE: Professor of Economics at King’s College London, previously a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and Director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
  • Kweku Adoboli: ex-UBS rogue trader

In addition, there will be workshops run by companies and coaches from the industry. Student speakers from our partner universities will also deliver talks interspersed with our keynote speakers, addressing a range of economic issues.


Tickets and further information are available at