2015-16 Archive

Archive of News articles from 2015-16

Footage of the Mini-Conference held on September 16th 2016

Footage from the August/September 2016 Go Abroad trip to Buenos Aires

The School is pleased to announce that Noémi Berlin was awarded two prizes.

New leaders of reformed Micro and Macro Perspectives of the Aggregate Labor Market Workshop announced.

We’re delighted to announce that we have four ESRC studentships available in the area of credit and labour market foundations in macroeconomics for PhD students commencing study in 2016.

Prof. Maia Güell has been invited to serve on the Panel of the journal Economic Policy for 2015-2016.

Prof. Martin Fransman has been invited to be the keynote speaker at the ITS Biennial Conference held in Taipei on June 26 to 29, 2016.

Prof. Martin Fransman has been invited as a selected expert to attend the PREDICT 2015 Conference, ‘Dynamics of ICTs: industries, R&D, markets’, in Brussels organised by the JRC-IPTS and DG Connect on the 25th of November 2015.

Recent press interest in a paper presented at RES2015 in Manchester highlights research one of the academics in the School, Dr Santiago Sanchez-Pages, is involved with.