2024-25 Seminar Programme

Please see confirmed list of seminar speakers at the School of Economics.

Monday 16th September, 11.30am - 1pm

Ludvig Sinander (Oxford)

Paper: Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle


Monday 23rd September, 11.30am - 1pm

Shuai Chen (Leicester)

Paper: The #MeToo Movement and Judges’ Gender Gap in Decisions


Monday 30th September, 11.30am - 1pm

Jean-William Laliberte (Calgary)

Friday 4th October, 2pm - 3.30pm

Devesh Raval (Federal Trade Commission)

Paper: Economies of Scope and Common Inputs in MultiOutput Production


Monday 21st October, 11.30am - 1pm

Basile Grassi (Bocconi)

Monday 4th November, 11.30am - 1pm 

Jane Olmstead-Rumsey (LSE)

Paper: Platform Acquisitions, Tying, and Growth


Friday 22nd November, 11.30am - 1pm 

Denni Tommasi (Bologna)

Paper: Quality Upgrading in the Street Food Market: Is Better Equipment and Training Sufficient?


Tuesday 26th November, 11.30am - 1pm

Shuo Liu (Peking)


Friday 29th November, 11.30am - 1pm 

Frank Yang (Stanford)

Tuesday 3rd December, 11.30am - 1pm 

Caroline Liqui Lung (Cambridge)


Monday 9th December, 11.30am - 1pm 

Johan Holmberg (Umea)

Paper: Parental Wealth and Early Labor Market Outcomes


Wednesday 11th December, 11.30am - 1pm 

Chris Moser (Columbia)

Friday 17th January, 11.30am - 12.30pm 

Daniel Kadnikov (Alan Turing Institute) 

Paper: "Informational Aspects of Strategic Forms" (joint with Rahul Savani and Philipp Wichardt)

Monday 3rd February, 11.30am - 1pm

Johannes Boehm (Geneva)

Paper: "The Network Origins of Firm Dynamics: Contracting Frictions and Dynamism with Long-Term Relationships"

(Johannes Boehm, Ezra Oberfield, Ruairidh South, Mazhar Waseem)


Monday 10th February, 11.30am - 1pm

Andrew Shephard (Pennsylvania)

Paper: "Divorce Law Reforms, Matrimonial Regimes and Family Behaviour"


Monday 17th February, 11.30am - 1pm

Stephan Lauermann (Bonn)


Monday 24th February, 11.30am - 1pm

Claudia Steinwender (LMU)

Thursday 20th March, 11.30am - 1pm 

Yingni Guo (Northwestern)


Monday 24th March, 11.30am - 1pm 

Federico Echenique (Berkeley) ​​​​​

Thursday 3rd April, 2.30pm - 4pm

Gianmarco Daniele (Bocconi)


Monday 7th April, 11.30am - 1pm

Greta Morando (Sheffield)

Monday 12th May, 11.30am - 1pm

Mark Whitmeyer (ASU)


Monday 19th May, 11.30am - 1pm

Ludovic Renou (QMUL)


Friday 23rd May, 11.30am - 1pm

Isaac Baley (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Monday 9th June, 11.30am - 1pm

Melanie Wasserman (UCLA)