Seminars 2007-2008

Seminars which took place during the 2007-2008 academic year.


Jean-Robert Tyran (Copenhagen) - "Tax Illusion and Communication" (with Rupert Sausgruber, University of Innsbruck)

Monday 14 April 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Klaus Schmidt (Munich) - "Reputation and Contract Design"

Tuesday 22 April 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Andreu Mas-Colell (UPF, Barcelona)- “Cooperation through bargaining in the strategic form”

Monday 28 April 2008, 4pm - 6pm

DHT Conference Room

Wouter Dessein (Chicago) - "Organizing for Synergies: A Theory of Hybrid Organizations"

Monday 5 May 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Peyton Young (Oxford/Johns Hopkins) - "Innovation Diffusion in Heterogeneous Populations: Contagion, Social Influence, and Social Learning"

Monday 12 May 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Ran Spiegler (UCL) - “Consideration sets and competitive marketing”

Monday 26 May 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Jeff Campbell (Chicago Fed) - "Last-In First-Out Oligopoly Dynamics"

Tuesday 3 June 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Erica Field (Harvard) - "Muslim family law, prenuptial agreements and the emergence of dowry in Bangladesh"

Friday 6 June 2008, 2pm - 4pm


Attila Ambrus (Harvard) - “A continuous-time model of multilateral bargaining with random arrival times”

Friday 6 June 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Josepa Miquel-Florensa (York, Toronto) - "Tell me what you need: Signalling with limited resources"

Wednesday 11 June 2008, 4pm - 6pm


Colin Stewart (Toronto) - “Testing multiple forecasters”

Monday 23 June 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Conference on Intergenerational Mobility

Saturday 27 June 2009, 10am - 6pm

Conference Website

Seminars (Jan-Mar 2008)

Volker Nocke (Oxford) - "Dynamic Merger Review"

Wednesday 14 January 2009, 4pm - 6pm

Simon Gaechter (Nottingham) - Understanding Social Interaction Effects in the Workplace"

Monday 21 January 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Subir Chattopadhyay (York) - "Economic Survival when Markets are Incomplete"

Sunday 28 September 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Thomas Jeitschko (Michigan State) - "Endogenous entry in markets with adverse selection"

Monday 4 February 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Martin Cripps (UCL) - "Common Learning"

Monday 18 February 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Alexander Berentsen (Basle) - "Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run"

Friday 22 February 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Omar Licrando (European University Institute) - "The child is father of the man: Implications for the demographic transition"

Monday 25 February 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Elu von Thadden (Mannheim) - "Incentives for Unaware Agents"

Monday 3 March 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Espen Moen (NSM) - "Industry Dynamics and Search in the Labor Market"

Monday 10 March 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Imran Rasul (UCL) - "Blissful Ignorance? Evidence From a Natural Experiment on The Effect of Information Feedback on Performance" (joint with Oriana Bandiera (LSE), and Valentino Larcinese (LSE))

Monday 17 March 2008, 4pm - 6pm

Seminars (Sept-Dec 2007)

Federico Weinschelbaum (San Andres) - "Modelling Informality Formally: Households and Firms"

Monday 24 September 2007, 4pm - 6pm


Karolina Ekholm (Stockholm University) - "Offshoring and the Onshore Composition of Occupations, Tasks and Skills"

Monday 1 October 2007, 1pm - 3pm

313 WRB


Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm SE) - "Language, Meaning & Games: A Model of Coordination, Communication & Evolution"

Monday 1 October 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Faculty Room, North DHT


Friederike Mengel (Alicante) - "Learning across games"

Monday 8 October 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Fabien Postel-Vinay (Bristol) - "The timing of aggregate employment expansions: New facts & a new hypothesis"

Monday 22 October 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Simon Clark (Edinburgh) - "Sorting in marriage markets"

Monday 29 October 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Martin Perry (Rutgers) - "Preferred suppliers in auction markets"

Monday 5 November 2007, 4pm - 6pm


Daniel Ferreira (LSE) - "Unbundling Ownership and Control"

Monday 12 November 2007, 4pm - 6pm


SIRE Launch

Monday 19 November 2007, 11.30am - 7pm

Leonardo Felli (LSE) - "Statute Law or Case Law?"

Monday 26 November 2007, 4pm - 6pm


Eric Maskin (Princeton) Winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize - "Evolution and Cooperation in Noisy Repeated Games"

Friday 30 November 2007, 10am - 12pm


Eric Maskin (Princeton) Winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize Public Lecture - "How should members of parliament be elected?"

Friday 30 November 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Orazio Attanasio (UCL) - "Education choices, subjective expectations and credit constraints"

Monday 3 December 2007, 4pm - 6pm

Conference Room, DHT

Victor Lavy (Hebrew, RHUL) - "Inside the Black of Box of Ability Peer Effects"

Tuesday 4 December 2007, 4pm - 6pm


Simon Board (UCLA) - "Relational contracts with on-the-job search"

Wednesday 12 December 2007, 10am - 12pm

F21, Psychology building (7 George Square)