2013 archive

School of Economics news archive from 2013.

British Academy prize

Prof. Kircher has been awarded the British Academy's first Wiley Prize in Economics for achievement in research by an outstanding early career economist. The prize is awarded for "outstanding work on the operation of markets with frictions, which has greatly extended understanding of these models, creating an important bridge between theory and empirical work".

Research in a nutshell

A number of academics in the School of Economics have contributed to 'Research in a Nutshell', an online collection of 1 minute videos introducing academics and their research.

Knowledge Exchange grant

The School of Economics was successful in a collaborative bid with one of the MSc students, Jelte Harnmeijer in offering its support to a major conference entitled 'Global Energy Systems 2013', held at Edinburgh's Dynamic Earth, over 3 days in June.

The KE element of the conference focused on a dedicated session 'The Economics & Policy of Energy Systems' which is designed to move beyond the ‘academics only’ conference model. The target group was therefore diverse, encompassing energy enthusiasts as well as professional from policy, the private sector and academia. The session was also intentionally designed to promote dialogue across the different energy generation technologies (i.e., renewables, fossil fuels as well as nuclear), which had not happened before. The organisers expected that up to 300 participants would attend.

The award of £2K was offered by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh, and the first time the School has been awarded KE funding.

Innovative Initiative Grant Application

One of our PhD students, Jonathan Spiteri was successful in getting funding as part of his doctoral project entitled "Media Bias and Advertising Revenue: Evidence from Global Warming News Reportage in the US”

The award of £3K will be used to fund the procurement of data. The project will look at the relationship between advertising revenue received by the top 150 US newspapers from automakers and the number of published news stories related to climate change.

British Academy grant

Dr Kohei Kawamura received funding from the BA with regards to his project entitled 'Risk, Social and Procedural Preferences in Simple Games', which commenced in April 2013, and is for 2 years.

REStud conference in Edinburgh

The School welcomed the REStud annual meeting 9-10 May 2013. More than 100 delegates from Scotland and England gathered to listen to seven presentations of the most promising PhDs to graduate and who were selected by the REStud Journal.

Launch of Experimental Lab BLUE

The School of Economics hosted the Inaugural Conference for the 'Behavioural Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh' which took place on 6-7 June 2013.

Moray Endowment Fund

Dr Kohei Kawamura received a grant from the University of Edinburgh Moray Endowment Fund for a project entitled 'Risk, Social and Procedural Preferences in Simple Games'. The project commenced in March 2013.