Eligibility and Registration

Information on eligibility and how to sign up to the SGPE's Residential Conference 2024.

Economics MSc students

Attendance at the conference is compulsory for MSc students. MSc students are informed by email of their registration requirements for Crieff. MSc students should follow this guidance, and contact sgpe@ed.ac.uk if they have any queries.

MSc students are required to attend both days of the conference. Travel and accommodation are provided by the SGPE.

SGPE PhD students

Normally only PhD students who are enrolled with one of the SGPE Partner institutions are eligible to be affiliated as an SGPE PhD. PhD students who are not members of the SGPE must apply to join beforehand, usually by October in the year before the conference. The deadline for applying for affiliation for the 2023/24 academic year has now passed.

SGPE PhD affiliation

Non-affiliated students at SGPE institutions are able to attend the conference to present on one occasion during their studies - please contact the SGPE office for more information about this.

Attendance at the conference is required of all SGPE PhDs who are not in their fourth/writing-up year, or beyond. Affiliated PhD students in their fourth/writing-up year are welcome to attend, but this is optional.

SGSSS-funded PhD students in Economics are also expected to attend the conference as part of their ESRC training.

Registration for the 2024 conference has now closed.

If you have any queries regarding registration please contact the SGPE Office.

All travel, room and board expenses are covered by the programme. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed after the conference.

SGPE Conference Expenses

SGPE Staff

The SGPE conference is open to all economists at SGPE-affiliated universities.  An invitation is circulated by the SGPE office with information on registration.

Registration for the 2024 conference has now clsoed.

If you have any queries regarding registration please contact the SGPE Office.

At the conference staff will be expected to act as a discussant to PhD students from another SGPE University (not your own).

Travel and accommodation for SGPE staff are covered by the programme. Spouses and family are welcome to attend but their expenses will not be covered (details of the extra costs are included in the registration information). You are welcome to extend your stay beyond the Thursday and Friday, at a rate determined by the Crieff Hydro.

SGPE Conference Expenses