
Founded in 1821, Heriot-Watt has a rich heritage and is valued for its pioneering research informed by the global needs of business and industry.

The Scottish inventor James Watt for whom Heriot-Watt University was named.

The department provides a lively and stimulating environment of enquiry and debate. There are 15 economics teaching staff and around 200 undergraduate students.

Teaching is supported by links with a research unit investigating the transformation of Eastern European economies and by the varied research interests of the staff.


To do their work effectively, economists need to be able to understand the complex nature of the economics problems which face late twentieth century societies.

Economics research at Heriot-Watt is focused around our two research centres:

We also have expertise in

  • Applied Econometrics
  • Development Economics
  • Energy Economics
  • Industrial Economics
  • Macroeconomics

Student support

The Economics department is located in a modern building with good computing and library facilities. An excellent relationship prevails between staff and students. The atmosphere is informal and friendly, with an excellent relationship between staff and students. Staff display a genuine concern for students’ academic progress and general well-being.

Successful graduates

Heriot-Watt economics graduates are highly successful in finding jobs in banking, insurance, investment analysis, accountancy, manufacturing industry, the civil service, the armed forces, the police and even undertaking. An increasing proportion of graduates go on to take higher degrees at home or abroad, where they find themselves well prepared for advanced study.

Heriot-Watt University's Department of Accountancy, Economics & Finance website