James Forrester

James Forrester joined the MSc Economics programme in 2018/19, having studied Mathematics at undergraduate level.

James Forrester

Why did you choose the Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics?

I came to the SGPE having studied Maths as an undergraduate, but Economics has long been one of my interests. After finishing my undergraduate degree, I was keen to study Economics formally, with a view to starting a career in the field. And I’ve always known that Edinburgh is not only a world-class university but also a fantastic place to live and get the full “student experience” – it didn’t disappoint!

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

One particularly appealing aspect was the Summer School programme. This does a very good job of accommodating students from a non-Economics background into the MSc. As one such student, the Summer School was ideal for me because it served as a strong foundation course, allowing those of us from a non-Economics background to get up to speed with the Economics graduates.

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

The Summer School was also a highlight of my time on the MSc. As a whirlwind foundation course into all things macro and micro, it set us up well for the MSc. While the SGPE was a relatively intense course, I was able to find time to take part in a couple of the many societies operating through the student union. Later in the year, I was fortunate to be able to take advantage of the School’s Commissioned Dissertation initiative, allowing me to work on a project in conjunction with the Scottish Government.

What are your plans for the future?

After finishing the MSc, I spent a few months teaching English in Chile, as well as travelling for a few months in parts of South America. Since coming home, I have recently started a job as an Economic Analyst at the consultancy London Economics.

Update: James now works for London Economics.

If you could offer any advice to new or current students, what would it be?

I would recommend getting into a good study routine as early as possible because there is a lot of course content – putting in the hours at the right time allows you to enjoy your leisure time “guilt-free”. Having a club or society to look forward to one or two evenings a week can help you to relax and unwind!