Postgraduate Results

Information on the release of postgraduate results for the academic year 2021-22

The Boards of Examiners that will consider and approve progression to the dissertation stage of our postgraduate taught programmes will meet by Thursday 16th June 2022.

All final course results will be communicated to you via the EUCLID student view in MyEd between Friday 17th June and Thursday 23rd June 2022. No marks will be released on Friday 17th June after 12:00(BST).

The progression outcomes will be communicated to individual students via the EUCLID student view in MyEd by Thursday 23rd June 2022. You will receive an automated email to your University email account when your progression decision is ready.

Who to contact if you have a query about your results or need to talk to someone

When your course results and progression details are released, if you have a concern or a query about your results, or if your result are significantly different than what you expected, please contact your Personal Tutor, the Programme Director or the Postgraduate Office where someone will be available to talk to you, and provide help and support.

As always, staff will be available Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm:

Tatiana Kornienko, Programme Director

Postgraduate Office

Noureen Ehsan, Student Support Officer

How is my progression to dissertation determined?

As you work towards completion of your degree programme, we recommend that you take a little time to familiarise yourself with the regulations that govern assessment within the University, and the sources of support that the University has to offer.

Your programme handbook, which is available on Learn includes a section on progression which explains what you need to have achieved in order to progress to the dissertation stage.

Assessment Regulations

The University's Taught Assessment Regulations govern how postgraduate taught courses and programmes are assessed.

These Regulations also include links to the University’s Common Marking Scheme which is applied for all the School’s assessed work, including examinations.

Taught Assessment Regulations

Academic Appeals

The University has in place a process for an Academic Appeal, following the release of results. An Appeal is a request for a decision made by a Board of Examiners relating to marks, progression, degree classification and/or degree award to be reconsidered.

It is important to note that the appeal process cannot be used to challenge academic judgement. That is, you cannot submit an appeal simply because you believe that you deserve a better mark. There are specific grounds under which an Academic Appeal may be submitted. These are set out in the relevant university Academic Appeal Regulations.

If you are considering lodging an appeal, it is important that you act promptly.

Information on the University’s Academic Appeals processes is at:

Academic Appeals

The School strongly recommends that if you are considering submitting an Academic Appeal you should first study the guidance on the Appeals webpages, then contact the Edinburgh University Students Association Advice Place, where trained advisers can offer guidance and support.

The Advice Place provides information on this support service, and contact details at:

Edinburgh Univeristy Students Association advice on Academic Appeals