Basic statistics for MSc students
Statistics and Econometrics is challenging even for the best of our students which is why we offer an optional one-week Basic Statistics course to introduce students to basic statistical concepts. Although the course is mainly meant for students who haven’t done statistics (or econometrics) before, it would also benefit those who would like to refresh their knowledge.
The course covers descriptive statistics, basic probability theory, some probability distributions, statistical inference and introduces students to Stata – the statistical package that they will use throughout the year. It will prepare students for the more advanced econometric topics covered in the MSc.
Attendance is highly recommended for everyone enrolled in the SGPE MSc programmes in Economics, Economics (Econometrics), Economics (Finance), and the MSc in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics. Enrolment on the course is free of charge.
The course takes place the week before the regular classes commence - Monday 5th - Friday 9th September.
The course will be delivered online; more information will be available before the start of the course.
You can sign up for the course by completing the questionnaire in the link below. The deadline for registration is 12pm UK time on Friday 2nd September 2022.
Sign up for the Basic Statistics course