
Staff and research students associated with BLUE.

Prof Miguel Costa Gomes (BLUE director)

University webpage


Research interests: game theory as part of empirical economics, behavioural economics and experimental economics.

Dr Athanasia (Nancy) Arnokourou (affiliated researcher)

University webpage


Research interests: experimental economics and behavioural economics.

Ms Darija Barak Halatova (affiliated researcher)

University webpage


Research interests: experimental economics and behavioural game theory.

 Former Researchers

  • Prof Ed Hopkins, KBS at King’s College London, personal webpage
  • Dr Ana Nuevo-Chiquero, University of Edinburgh (on leave) and Autonomous University of Madrid , personal webpage
  • Prof Michèle Belot, University of Edinburgh (Honorary Professorial Fellow) and Cornell University, personal webpage
  • Prof Philipp Kircher, University of Edinburgh (Honorary Professorial Fellow) and Cornell University, personal webpage
  • Dr Tatiana Kornienko, KBS at King’s College London, personal webpage